15. The Unwelcome Guests

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No matter how long she thought about it, or from whatever perspective she tried to see it from, Elena couldn't get her head around why the Mikaelsons would be here. Her confusion and surprise was soon replaced with anger. If they even put one foot out of place on Bonnie's day, she would tear them apart. She wouldn't dare let anyone dishonour Bonnie in that way.

Within moments of the Mikaelsons arrival, Damon, Stefan and Caroline were straight at Elena's side, all of them in complete shock at what was unfolding before their eyes. Elena looked over at Damon, her chocolate brown eyes filled with tears,

"Why would they be here Damon? Why have they got Jeremy?" she stuttered, tears falling over her lips and down to her chin. Damon reached a hand up to her face and caught her precious tears before they fell. He looked back at her, his face equally as confused,

"I don't know Elena. But please don't antagonise them. Today isn't about them, it's about Bonnie," Damon's voice began to crackle, tears building in his eyes too.

"Just you try and stop me," Elena replied, her voice filled with determination. As Elena began to walk towards them, Damon reached out to grab her arm and tried to hold her back. She looked over her shoulder and gave him such an intense stare that he immediately let her arm go.

Damon looked across at Stefan and Caroline in worry and quickly urged all three of them to run after Elena, who was marching through the crowd straight towards Klaus. Before she even got near to him, the Mikaelsons had noticed her approach and turned to watch her storm over, each of them with a tiny smirk on their face. As Elena came face to face with him she could hardly contain her rage any longer,

"I suggest you wipe that smile off of your face before I knock it off myself," Elena spat, eyeball to eyeball with Klaus.

"Is that any way to treat an old friend?" Klaus replied, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"We are not friends. We have never been friends." Elena turned her nose up and rolled her eyes. She looked over at Elijah, who was stood patiently as Hayley adjusted his tie.

"Why are you here?" Elena pleaded with Elijah, her voice much calmer.

"I assure you Elena, we aren't here to cause trouble. We are here for the same reason as you, to pay our respects to Bonnie," Elijah replied after kissing Hayley on the cheek after she finished fixing his tie.

"I wouldn't mess with Elena today Elijah, you are fully aware of how much Bonnie meant to her," Stefan butted in from behind Elena.

Damon was at Elena's side, his arm wrapped around her waist. Caroline and Stefan were behind Elena, both of them trying to distance themselves from Klaus as much as possible. Caroline was especially cautious around Klaus. Even though she hadn't seen him in years, she never knew what could happen when they were together.

"Then why do you have my brother?" Elena asked Elijah.

"He was wandering about the streets all by himself. All we did was give him a lift. Would you rather we left him there?" Rebekah added, her voice as sickly sweet as Elena remembered.

Elena looked past Rebekah and over at Jeremy who was talking to the girl that she didn't recognise.

"Are you okay Jer?" Elena asked, fully aware that he might not be himself.

"Elena!" Jeremy's eyes lit up after hearing Elena's voice. He walked over to her, embracing her in a huge hug.
"I didn't know you were coming today," he added. Elena could tell that his mind was slightly muddled, but was glad that he was safe. She wrapped her arms around him and then held his hand as she passed him over to talk to Caroline. Anything to get him as far away from the Mikaelsons as possible.

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