15 - frisson

309 13 2


Kyungwa's POV:

He kissed me.

I didn't know how I feel. I thought about all the times my eyes had drifted to his lips and how I'd been crushing over him, but I didn't want to admit it. Of course, I didn't reject him. I responded softly and subtly and he smiled just before he pulled back.
"I like you." He confessed shifting himself off me and helping me sit up.
"I-I..." There was a silence.
"You don't like me, do you?" He sighed and I shook my head to say he was wrong.

"I'm so confused." I complained, planting my head forward into my palms.
"It's okay." He comforted, bringing me under his arm and rubbing my back. I was breathing a bit heavily and it didn't help that I was so close to him, I did like him. Definitely. But I didn't know if it would be right to be with him.

He's my friend, I didn't see him this way when we were kids. When we were kids our thoughts were full of the things we dreamed of and our ideals that were limitless, our speech never tinged with doubt or insecurity. We're the way we're meant to be when we're young and this wasn't what I imagined then. I could imagine anything I wanted and I didn't imagine this.

Now, it's like a temptation that I can't seem to resist. Things change, people grow, nobody stays the same forever; yet I can't let it escape my mind that we should just be friends. It seemed so rushed, it's been only a week since a saw him again in the flesh. I saw him all the time before that, imagining how he'd be now, what he was like then. I wondered if he'd remembered me and soon dismissed that a chapter of my life so significant to me was just a letter on a page for others. A letter, of a word, on a page, of a novel called 'Life.'

My mind became so scrambled that I couldn't tell right from left let alone what we were speaking of. He brought me back to reality with two simple words,

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking at my face that I was trying to hide. I took a deep breath. Why am I doing this? I connected our lips, feeling my chest pump as I did, and started to kiss him. I put one of my hands on his cheek and held his face close, he placed his on my lower back and immediately kissed me back.

"I like you too." I admitted, pressing my forehead against his and distancing our lips for a second. He just smiled bringing me closer again. We ended up making out for a few minutes which I wasn't expecting. Jin started to take off his coat and I shook my head.
"We're outside." I reminded him but he shrugged.
"I want you." It made my heart skip a beat when he said it but I acted like it meant nothing.
"Stop being a perv and put your clothes back on. We need to get back to your's." I smiled, jumping up and grabbing the bag of takeaway food we dropped.

"You like me~" Jin teased while chuckling and climbing to his feet.
"You said it first!" I argued and he rolled his eyes.
"I know, because you're perfect." He beamed. I blushed violently, perfect? He held both my hands in his and rubbed his thumbs across the tops of them. He leaned down and touched lips with his for a second before pulling away. And then the same, but for two seconds. And three, and four, until I stopped him.

"Food. Cold. Let's go." I ordered, beginning to walk away when he slumped himself over me, his chin on my head and his arms wrapped around my waist. He kept kissing my neck as we walked and I kept giggling.
"This isn't supposed to be funny!" He chuckled himself.
"It tickles!" I laughed and he sighed.
"Cute~ I'm trying to give you a hickey but I guess you're just too innocent." He explained, kissing the same spot again. He then focused on it more exclusively, I felt him sucking and I couldn't help but want to laugh. This time I contained it though, I saw his house in the distance and focused on that instead.

I went to open his door but Jin grabbed me and pushed me against a wall before kissing me roughly. It was more intense than before and I kinda liked it. I dropped the bag along with the worried from only minutes earlier and placed both hands on the back of his neck, pulling him down even closer. This was right for me. It may be my mind making the present more significant than the future but it didn't matter anymore, whatever was happening—I'd given into it. Because of my thoughts, I didn't notice he had opened the door until we were halfway through it, lips still connected.

He pulled it shut behind us after grabbing the paper bag. I noticed a door opening down the hall so instantly pulled back, Jin seemed disappointed and confused at first but soon realised when he heard:
"Why are you two so out of breath? Did you run back?"
"Um... Yeah. We got your food." Jin replied to his father and I tried as hard as I could not to laugh while I took the coat he gave me off.

"Well, we're gonna go up to my room for a while."
"I thought you were sleeping in the living room." He sounded confused and scrunched up his face slightly.
"We are I think." Jin replied, still breathless and trying to stop the conversation quickly.
"Why are you rushing so much?" His father chuckled.
"You'll never understand." Jin hissed and I giggled as I was dragged up the stairs.

"There's your food, Mr. Kim!" I squealed back as I pointed to the bag on the doormat.
"Thank you, sweetie!" He shouted after me and I think I heard him mutter: 'nice girl that...'.

He pulled me all the way down the hall by my arm as I kept giggling. Once we entered the room, I only noticed it's tidiness and the black ceiling before Jin slammed the door to his room shut behind us and pinned me against it.
"Stop slamming my back on things, it hurts." I chuckled and he pulled me towards him and span so this time I landed on the bed when he pushed me away.

"Better?" He asked but didn't wait for a response, he just climbed on top of me and started to take his shirt off before kissing me again. He put his hands on my waist under my top and started to lift it.
"Are we really doing this?" I asked, pushing his face away for just a second so I could ask.
"If you want to." He panted and I took a moment to think before crashing my lips back onto his. I think he got the hint.

a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill (n)

(A/n: hai. So I'm not gonna write hardcore sMuT, especially after Bangtan spoke out about it, so I'm just gonna say here... Then they just fuck. yAy!)

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