Dear Niku

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   The guy slammed me into a tree not so long into the forest next to the village. He was around my height, his hair had been dyed blue some time ago and you could see his greyish hair growing out; around his 50-ies, wrinkles in his face, and drunk.

   "Come on girl. I'm in my best years." The man said with a smile, as he looked at me with his dark eyes sunken into head after many years of drinking.

   "No." I said as I pushed myself into the tree and my breathing got faster. Phoenix had landed on a branch in the tree I stood with my back against. He kept an eye on us and came up with a quiet growl.

   "Oh, you are just like your sister the day we had fun out here too. Feisty." The man said close enough to my face that I could feel his breath on my fur and smell the alcohol within it.

   "My sister...?" I said quiet and became stiff. A warm feeling slowly grew from my heart and out on my skin through my backbone. I began to shake.

   "Your sister was so beautiful, even the day she was sent out off your village years ago.."

Everything felt like it disappeared around me as he said that and I stared into nothing. The warm feeling had insulted my body and now began to disappear.

   "She was such a lovely partner for the night."

The man fell onto the ground and looked terrified at me with big eyes as he tried to crawl away and I realized that I had thrown a fit in his face. A small amount of blood ran from his mouth and the smell filled my head. Kill. A thought appeared in my head as the vision on my left eye disappeared like the dark claiming the land when the sun went down. Kill. The thought came again.

   "Y-you monster!!" The man shouted on the ground and I began to breathe heavily and scared as I looked at him.

   "What? N-no! I—" I tried to say.

   "You are just as much a monster as the Blacktors! You have their eyes!" The man shouted as he pointed towards my face.

I realized that my body had gone in defense and made my right eye, if not the other also, red with a narrow pupil similar to those a Blacktor have. "No!" I said quiet with a gasp as I backed and fell over a root behind me. As I nearly got up, a stone hit my head.

   "Get back to your own world in hell, demon!" The man shouted and threw another stone that missed as I got up and ran away, slightly crying. I ran to I-don't-know-where and crossed Light river with the cold water splashing up my legs and making my fur wet up until my stomach and looked back as I had gone over the river. The man was nowhere to be seen but Phoenix had followed me and now flew over my head as he gently sat his claws in my hair, as he wanted me to follow him. I sighed as I did so and held on my shoulder in shame of myself. The wind was cold on my skin where the water had hit. Phoenix stood on the ground in front of an old wooden cabin and looked at me with his golden eyes. He screeched like a peacock and I looked at the house.

   "It's a bit old don't you think?" I asked quiet and Phoenix shook his head so dust stood out from his feathers on the head and some part of the neck.

   He jumped inside and I followed him. The inside of the house was empty except for a closet standing next to the opening formed as a door, a bedstead under the large window expanding from the roof to a little over the bed in height and from the closet the wall in width. There was a desk standing at a wall in front of me and had all sorts of old candle holders laying on it, some of them looked to be those you set on the walls. There were small cabins over that. The wall next to me had a low table standing in front of it. I blinked and saw a pile of papers on the desk and realized all the loose papers on the moist ground. The vision on my left eye slowly came back and I immediately felt dizzy and fell on my knees leaning my weight at the doorframe. Phoenix came jumping towards me but stopped half a meter in front of me and stretched his neck to come closer towards me.

   "Heh" I laughed silent. "If I weren't allergic to feathers, would you come closer towards me?"

Phoenix growled in the good way as an answer.

   "I'm okay, mate. Just... tired." I said and petted his feathered comb on the head. Phoenix came up with a quite worried growl. "I promise." I said. "But why did you lead me here?" I said and sat up in a more comfortable position. Phoenix lifted the red feathers on the neck and jumped towards the desk, flew onto of it and seemed to look after a specific paper in the pile. I looked curious at him as he carefully scraped some of the pagers away from him with his claws and took a paper with his mouth, jumped down the table and waddled towards me as he fought to let the paper in his mouth not touch the ground. I tried not to laugh at him but I came too by accident and he looked annoyed at me as I took the paper. It was a letter. From my mother.

I sat up against the doorframe and began to read it with Phoenix chilling next to me as close as he dared.

                        "Dear Niku.

When and if you find this, then it means that Phoenix believes you are ready. I met Phoenix in my teenage years as a hurt and aggressive bird, and like you, I wanted to take him back home with me and help him heal. I succeeded but he never left me again and is now a guardian of our family. You in particular. The moment you hatched from your egg, he was there, laying right next to you. Phoenix must have guided you here because he believes that you are the next owner of this house.

And you don't need my permission to live here. I only want you to come home occasionally to visit your little sister and me. Otherwise, you are free to stay here if that is what you want. Then you can help wild dragons without the fear of people hating on you. You possess great abilities. Never forget that. 

                                            Love, mom."

   I looked at Phoenix who was sleeping beside me and smiled. So that was why he wanted me to come in here. I thought. He knew a place where I could be me. I wish I were able to hug him. He deserves it. He really do.


Author note:

Yeah so I will not make any thumbnails anymore. Simply because I'm too lazy. xD

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