The Hunt

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   "I can't just stay here!" Athena shouted from the above floor.

I could hear her and my mother argue clearly down in my room. But as always, I didn't interfere and just said and petted my mother's unusual big red Birdra. He looked at me with worry in his golden eyes. He was completely red with the brown marked face and a yellow underside. The wing feathers went from red to orange to yellow as the wing feathers came closer to an end. The same with the tail feathers. However, the bone comb on any normal Birdra was replaced with a row of red and yellow feathers.

   "He has been gone for fucking 3 years now! I can't just sit here and do nothing anymore!" Athena shouted.

   "Yes you can! And until I find out why he hasn't come back, you and Niku remain here!" My mother shouted.

   "So I can babysit YOUR youngest daughter?!"

   "No! So that I know that you and Niku are safe!"

I walked up behind the wall to the downstairs. Neither my mother nor Athena realized. Phoenix, my mother's bird, stood on the ground next to me. They didn't see him either though he was completely obvious.

   "But we never get the opportunity to get of the village since dad disappeared! Since that day, you've told us never to go away from the village! Not even our house!"

Marry, my mother, said nothing.

   "I don't know about you but I think that is a terrible way to take care of us!"

Marry, yet again, said nothing.

   "I'm sorry mom but I'm not going to sit for another 3 years doing nothing but staying inside walls." Athena said. There was a moment of silence between them until Athena took her longbow and walked out of the front door. I sighed and returned to my room.

The deer dragon, a male, orange and alone, it wandered around as it ate grass and leafs from the bushes. Clearly not aware of the hunter spying on it. Athena laid on a branch high up in one of the oak trees nearby. Carefully lifting her upper body to get in position. Her orange eyes were locked on the deer dragon. She sat her aim after the heart. Her breath was calm and her heartbeat just so. She waited for the right moment where the deer dragon stood with its side towards her. She pulled the arrow back almost soundless and held it pointing towards the Deer Dragon and waited even more so. It stood with its head towards her. Then it turned around so that its side was towards her. The arrow went off soundless and killed the deer in and instant as the arrow hit through the ribs, lungs and heart. It was a fast kill. Athena crawled down the tree and landed lightly on the ground. She was careful as she ran over to the dragon covered in orange scales that got lighter at the legs and the underside, on its head there was a big antler and its tail was round and long; similar to the tail of a Blacktors' except for the color and skin comb at the end. The eyes of the dragon starred empty and endless up into the treetops.

   "I thank you for your meat, fur and everything that you are. Your time has come for your soul to return to Anima while your body stays here to feed the ground and us. May your soul be reborn when the time is right." Athena said as she sat squatting next to the deer and gently placed her hand on the dragon's neck and afterwards pulled out the arrow from the dragons' chest with the typical sound of flesh being torn apart.

The sound of moving bushes made Athena look behind herself. With the arrow in her hand, she listened to her surroundings without moving a single bit. Only her ears and eyes moved slightly too every little sound.

The bushes, ferns, dead leafs on the ground and the rays of light getting though the tree tops made everything seem like Athena was in the middle of forest in the age of the dinosaurs. Large ferns sticking up from the ground, exploding into green leafs. The bushes' green colors mixing in with the patches of grass and brown, dry leafs on the ground camouflaged into one scenery and yet they stood as magnificent as ever individually. The big oak trees of Light Forest stood high and strong with their crowns of leafs moving in the wind.

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