"NO!" I roared pushing him into the wall. Mary vanished in a second. I looked around. "Where'd she go?" I asked Alix. The doctor got up and slammed me into the wall face first as I was distracted. I turned around and stabbed my claws through his stomach. He held my arms and slowly yanked them out. He closed his eyes for a second and inhaled deeply as he healed. I went to stab his chest when he blocked me and held me down against the machine. The specialized blades spun at incredible speed and he pushed my hands closer to it. I looked over at Alix.

He had his back turned. "Wake up Phoenix, wake up." He whispered over and over as he tapped the sides of his head. He covered his ears and kept repeating it. The final time he said "wake up" it sounded distorted and his hair frizzed up as he turned around. His eyes were replaced by those of the Phoenix.

The doctor had a look of horror on his face and was distracted long enough for me to escape his grasp. Alix held out his hand toward the doctor and I quickly moved out of the way. His hair slowly stood up like he got electrocuted. The man was lifted into the air and his limbs were twisted as Alix closed his hand into a fist and twisted it. Deep wounds were spreading across the doctors face. "Yes." hissed the Phoenix with an evil smile. The doctor began to heal until Alix opened his fist and spread his fingers. The doctor's ribcage was split open, tearing through his stomach. The rest of his body was torn to shreds before he fell to the ground.

Alix turned around to face me. "Hello again, old friend." He said as he shined with the flames of the Phoenix. The voice of Phoenix always gave me chills running down my spine. It was like speaking to a demon itself. He grinned widely and closed his black eyes. The creepy smile faded away as Alix opened his normal blue eyes and the illuminating aura around him evaporated.

"Good...job." I said choked up with a nervous laugh, failing to hide my fear.

"I'm sorry, I don't like doing it but I had to." He said turning away.

"No really, you did good. You brought yourself back and managed to stay in control of it. You're getting better, i'm proud of you." I tried to comfort him.

Mary teleported back into the room with her eyes tightly closed. She opened one and asked "is it over yet?"

"Yeah," Alix smiled back and turned over to her. "Thank you, Mary. You can bring us back now."

We got to the school just in time for dinner. As we were eating a group of students were talking about going to the movies tonight. "There's supposed to be a good horror movie out." David mentioned to the group.

"What time does it start?" Asked Bobby's girlfriend, Rogue.

"Around nine, that would give us a little over an hour." He responded pushing up his mohawked hair. 

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower before we go." Bobby, answered as he got up from the table.

David turned to us. "Did you guys want to come too?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I answered. We finished eating and went upstairs. I got changed and noticed Alix wasn't getting ready.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing...it's just i'm not really used to going out with a group of people. I've also kind of never really been to the movies before." He responded nervously.

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