Chapter 8 part two: forgiven? or nah?

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After one week

Niall POV
After one week of being in a hospital she can finally go home and be with me, wait! she doesn't even remember me, ughh, i want to cuddle, kiss
Hug and many more with her!

After all those thoughts I remembered we need to go now, and finally i know The name of Jess' doctor, Ms.Dy she's half something maybe Japanese? Korean? IDK

---- at the apartment-----
We are now at our flat..
" so this is out apartment in Italy?" She questioned

"Yeah its nice inside, but Jess, you don't remember me? Really? Like, even a single memory of us?" I asked

"Niall, my head aches like everyday, so don't try to force me to remember you!" She said

Jess POV
I shouted, then i feel kinda dizzy, i can't see things much, it starts to get blurry... And then black...

Niall POV

I saw her rubbing her head, "Jess! jess! What's wrong?" I shouted
She didn't answered i opened my door i felt the cold atmosphere, and i run to her door and carry her bridal style I lay her at the couch, i don't know what to do, until she finally spoke i can already feel her warm breathe slowly getting closer to me,

"Niall i remember you, We were both arranged, then there Was a day that you told me, you love me and i love you too!, and we flew here i saw Kath at the airport, we went to her apartment i fell asleep while watching a movie and then.... A- ... I-..i-i.. Saw yu-you... A-and kath ki-ki-kissing, i ran away and that's when... HOW DARE YOU NIALL! HOW?! I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU! i HATE that i LOVE YOU!
I-i-" now tears are forming lines as then slide on her cheeks,

"i loved you! My bestfriend?! Is that what you call bestfriend?! Kath?!!! I don't want to fucking live anymore!
You two reached my guts! I don't want to get hurt anymore!" She said
While rubbing her forehead

"Jess, I didn't mean to kiss her, she kissed me first she didn't let go" i said

"No Niall, save it, you did it and you can't change it,  i had enough i want to get some rest, you sleep at the guest room" she said while standing up i held her hand

"I love you.. And whatever happens your my everything.. I'll give you time to think, but before you get some rest i want you to eat please" i stated staring at her eyes that are tearing up..

" i don't want to eat, just leave me alone.." She said while letting go of my hand harshly

" You.." I murmured

Jess POV

I let go of his hand, i heard words like " i love you" but i really can't forgive him this time, but i really want to be by his side, cuddling and kissing, i just want to live my whole life with him..
As i reached our room, i saw my phone laying down at the nightstand 34 missed calls from Kath, nah
No need to answer...

After that i lay in bed and pulled the covers up until it reached my chest and lay relaxed...

Hey guyzz new update, i have  another book! Which is called "Niall Horan IMAGINES" go check it out now! Updates almost everyday! Thank you so so so much! Kindly vote,vote,vote

~Stacey Xx

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