Chapter10- It will start

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Anna's P.O.V.

I wake up as usual. I go downstairs as usual....Well the only thing that changed is hat Elsa isn't here and I don't mind..I mean she was different from all of us...Astrid told me she hit me with her ice powers when I we were younger and I mean who wouldn't want to date Hans..I would but he is to old for me..So I sit down at the kitchen counter and wait for everyone to come cause Astrid said she had important news.

Rapunzel,Merida and Merida's super cute mate Jack Frost come down the stairs and sit down next to me on the counter. "Good Morning" Me and Punzie say in an cheerful sound. "Mornin'"Jack says tired and Merida just ignored us rolling her eyes and giving Jack a kiss on the cheek which makes him blush "Not infront of everyone; Merida" He mumbles to Merida but I could hear it and I think Punzie could hear as well cause she chuckled. Finally Astrid comes walking down the stair with a serious gaze. She walks to a position where all of us could see her... Behind the counter!

"Attention everyone! We have alert 1303 in red! Humans are about to attack the forest as one of their men, also known as Elsa's lover, is lost or for them dead! Our spy werecats found out that this lovely Hiccup the next chief would become! The werecat packs will all unite with the werewolves! An-" She explains but Jack interrupts her. "Why would we give our trust to werewolves!!! We are 10 huge packs and another 10 small once!! Maybe Els-" He starts but Astrid interrupts him "Well we are a lot but the humans are more...And please do not and I repeat do not mention this name she betrayed us once she won't give in for a second time! Werewolves and Werecats have a deal that when alarm 1303 in red breaks out there is peace!!" Astrid explains. "But which Werewolf packs are we dealing with?? Cause many said that if 1303 in red happens that they will stay in peace and leave the forest!!" Merida states.

"Well there is one big one! With the five great fighters who are Flynn Rider the alpha, Kristoff, Tadashi, GoGo and Honey Lemon!! The pack is called the Evening Raven Pack! It has 101 members which make it the biggest werewolf pack in the forest! All the other packs are n peace and will leave the forest! The werewolf also contacted me telling that they kidnapped Hiccup! And about the betrayer...She shouldn't know about anything! She will know that Hiccup got kidnapped and she will show up to the battle but we have a challenger to fight her! Hans from the Southern Isles Pack!" Astrid points out. "Get ready to fight!" Astrid says and walks to the stage where she will tell the pack! All of us nod before she leaves and run to our rooms.

Elsa's P.O.V.

I am somewhere in the forest but I couldn't see Hiccup or smell his scents...I'm so worried..Maybe he is in the hut!! In my werecat form I go to the hut. But suddenly when I'm half way through a wolf jumps out of the bushes.He growls at me and I growl back when I suddenly smell Hiccups scents, I hiss at the wolf who transforms into human form with his fingers in a peace sign. I transform into human as well.

"I'm Alpha Flynn Rider from the Evening Raven pack! Werewolves and Werecats are in peace! So calm down and continue the plan werecat!" This Flynn dude says..He is so Punzie's type.."Why are we in peace? I'm a loner cat I don't have a pack so I'm not informed!" I ask confused but. The Werewolf gives me a weird look "Well alarm 1303 in red broke out!!!" Flynn says and my eyes pop wide open and my mouth just opens. "WHAAATTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I shout my thoughts out loud and he nods. "Have to go and so do you! Be prepared!!"Flynn says

I run home to the hut. I search Hiccup all over the house but i couldN't find him. I sit down in a corner and start crying into my knee's. Suddenly the doors open and I run to the door exited but I see a dragon. The dragon has a worried face and I walk over to him. I let him smell my hand but then I start petting him and he starts trusting me. I hear two different armies marching....Oh no the humans and us are already about to fight!! I need to hurry!!

I turn into my werecat form. I run out of the door ,the dragon flys out of the forest. I start running at my highest speed and follow the sounds but they are far away and I know they are near to each other.

Shoot...I can't run faster but I'm trying my hardest.

A/N Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed this unedited chapter! I have 2 questions for you readers! Would you like smut? If yes how detailed?

Btw SnowyEls and I started a collab account called HiccelsaGirls! Why I'm telling you this is because...We started a story called Love Song! It's a Hiccelsa and Jarida story!! On this account we have a theme that we are I'm Merida and SnowyEls is Elsa...dah...So please do me a huge favour and take a look at the story..If you want maybe leave a comment or vote...Don't forget to do the same for this story and see you til the next chapter!

~Merida {a.k.a. Jelsa Vs. Hiccelsa}

My Werecat {Hiccelsa} ||Completed||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ