Chapter 8- The Lion

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Elsa's P.O.V

I wake up on the next day Hiccup hugging me which fells good. The best thing he is shirtless and he looks super hot. I'm still asking for the question...I need to pee!!! I try to escape Hiccups hug but it's hopeless. So I guess I have to wake him up...the fun way...I put my hand on his neck and freeze it a little.

"What the...Elsa what did you do?" Hiccups shouts tired with his eyes closed but he separated from the hug and starts rubbing his neck. "I just need to pee!!!" I say as I run to the bathroom and do my business after that I opened the door and start to brush my teeth. Suddenly someone hugs me from behind and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I look in the mirror to see Hiccup and I smile but blush as well.

"Sorry I was so grumpy this morning...but what was that?" Hiccup asks me "Well some erects are special...and me. They have powers...I have power of ice and snow." I explain smiling at him. All he does is nod as he understands "I always knew you were special" He says and gives me another kiss on the cheek.

"So what would you like to eat today for breakfast?" I ask him turning to him so that we are facing each other. It turns out with each other staring in each others eyes. Hiccup puts his extremely warm hand on my ice cold cheek and kisses me. His lips are so warm, soft and comfortable. I fell fireworks explode in my body and we have a long kiss when he slowly separates from the kiss. I look at him confused but he he looks at me with a calm look.

"Elsa would you give me the honour and favour of becoming my girlfriend?" He says and I feel happiness overcome my body. He has a little sparkle in his eyes and he starts to get a disappointed look "You don't hav-" He tries to say but I interrupt him "OF COURSE I WANT TO!!!!! I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!!!!!" I literally shout at him. He smiles and I kiss him.

Some hours later

"Hicc, I'm going hunting" I say. "K, Els!" He tells me and gives me a little good bye kiss. I walk out of the door and transform into werecat form and notice him watching me from the window. I go into the woods hunting and find my prey. I mean it's only a bunny but better then nothing. I slowly sneak up on it and begin my jump for it but a lion gets in my way. This stupid lion caught my prey. I look at him or her with and mad look. The lion gives me a look and licks my cheek.

"Hey Elsa! Want the bunny babe?" The werecat says who I hate the most...Hans. "First- No I don't want it anymore. Second- I'm not your girlfriend so don't call me babe! I have someone to do that alre-" I say but cover my mouth at what I say with already having someone. Madness and jealousy fill his eyes and he smashes me against a tree. I stand back up and get own an attacking position. I hiss loudly at him to make myself clear "Who is that someone?!" he says angrily. "None of your business but I don't have time for you so by!" I say. I smash my paws on the ground and create a little ice wall between us and run back to the cottage where Hiccup was waiting. I run as fast as I can but I notice Hans following me and I start running even faster...I never knew I could run this fast.

I'm a lot ahead of him and already see the cottage. I run as fast as I can through the door and transform into human form "What's wrong?" Hiccup asks with worries. How should I ell him? "Well a lion is kinda hunting us...especially you but doesn't matter right now!! We need to get protection! I need a little meat than I'm strong enough to fight him!" I explain in a hurry "No you're fighting no one! What does this lion even want from me?!" He shouts at me "Well my older sister wanted me to be his mate but I met you and fell in love with you and didn't want to become his mate..So my sister kicked me out of the pack because you are human..and now I met him in the forest and he called be babe and I accidentally told him I already belong to him!" I state in a hurry "Well I'm not letting you fight..If someone fights it's me against him!" He says and I explode inside "Are you crazy?! HE IS A LION HE COULD EAT YOU IN ONE PIECE!! I won't do that!!" I shout at Hiccup.

Suddenly someone breaks the door open I turn around to see Hans who gets filled with anger even more when he sees Hiccup..This is bad....Very bad

A/N Hey Guys,

I hope you enjoyed this part!! I worked hard on it!! What do you think will happen between Hans and Hiccup? What a coincidence? I just realised both start with H....Stop this random shit Merida(a.k.a Jelsa Vs. Hiccelsa {You'll understand later}) So I started a collab account with the one and only PinkMesh25. And we started a story on the account called Love Song {Hiccelsa & Jarida} As you can tell from the title it's a story about Jarida and Hiccelsa...Just go check it out on this account ->HiccelsaGirls!! On this channel we each represent a character I'm Merida and PinkMesh25 is Elsa.

Don't forget to vote,comment and follow! Btw this part is unedited!!

~Merida (a.k.a. Jelsa Vs. Hiccelsa)

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