4.) Corrupt and Chilling Thoughts

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Cas hauled ass to the Bunker. He had to I mean come on, it's Dean. He was dangerous including in his current state. It would be like bringing a knife to a gunfight with an armed and dangerous criminal who's had years of experience.
Never could you outrun him even though you joined Sam on his bike rides and little jogs every morning. You got lost into the memory of when you took the photo with Dean's protective arms wrapped around you. You were in your happy place for a few seconds before the memory went corrupt. You saw Hell fire and Dean's face painfully mouthing your name.
You shivered as you blinked the memory out of your mind. The way you pictured Dean as a Demon was not pretty. You thought of him being the exact opposite person he is. Normally, that was the thing but him, nothing would change except for his strength, new abilities, and a new prideful attitude.
You felt sick of assuming this of the man you learned to call 'Sweetheart'. Luckily, Cas sent you straight to bed fora nights rest saying that they'd do some more searching. You left without any complaint and walked to your room and shut the door. You sat on your bed and instantly, laid down.
You breathed in. Then let it out. You repeated this process for a little while and nearly fell asleep. You heard more whispers.

"Stop looking." The voice said.

"It's no use." It continued.

"The man you knew is dead." It faded. You then saw Dean looking back at you and he blinked as his beautiful Apple Green eyes instantly jumped to a Soulless Black. You blinked and he was gone.

"I am going crazy." You said out loud. Just after you said that you heard your phone beep. You checked the messages and read an unknown numbers.

No Love, it's just the opposite.

"That just made me feel 47% worse." You dropped your phone and shut off the light. Surely you had to be dreaming this little episode. Or, you were just really delusional.
You tensed up again feeling those icy hands running up and down your arm.
You felt paralyzed with each change of direction. Was Dean messing with you? Or did he really love you? What did he want?
You just know that was him standing in front of you that night and you were going straight to Sam and Cas in the morning.

(I so so sorry you had to white knuckle through this chapter. I had no thoughts of doing another one today but, I was like well, to make up for a few weeks ago. I owe it to the Fans of Supernatural and so I wrote this chapter to kinda repay not updating my last Fanfic until 08/17/16.; once again, I am sorry!)

Corruption Can Be Cured- Demon Dean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now