Jaxon Bryson

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Name: Jaxon Bryson

Age: 25 [ Immortal ] 

Sexuality: Closeted.

Species: Warlock

Personality: Jaxon is a popular warlock with many friends. He is very sociable and outgoing which also means he's a party goer. He is very cocky and sassy but he is very reliable. Jaxon loves to help others even when they didn't ask for his help and he always put other people's needs before his own. 

Appearance: Jaxon considered himself as a fashionista even though he doesn't have any fashion sense. He has dark blonde combed back hair and a pair of deep ocean eyes that would cause people to swoon over him. His slight muscular body match with his 6'3 height. 

Strengths: Reliable and supportive. He would do anything to help the people he cares. 

Weaknesses: Jaxon is overly kind and nice. 

Fears: Jaxon has the fear of commitment. 

Background: Jaxon grew up without knowing who his real parents are since he was adopted after his real mother gave birth to him. He didn't really pursue the thought of finding them since he was happier this way. 

Powers: He has the same healing, teleporting and the ability to create portals like the others. 

Relationship: Unknown. 

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