Chelsea Blackheart

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Name: Chelsea Blackheart

Age: Eighteen [ Immortal ] 

Sexuality: Unknown.

Species: Warlock. 

Personality: Chelsea can be devious at times, thus earning a lot of distrust from others but she is very smart. She is also a bit of a coward since she's terrified of demons. Chelsea is a hardworking girl and she would never stop for a rest. She can be a bit rude at times but that would only happen if people mistreated her. She isn't outgoing and doesn't have many friends.

Appearance: She has raven hair that falls down to her shoulder and a pair of coffee black eyes. She has a pale skin tone that brings out the hollowness of her eyes. She stands at the height of 5'5 and she is very thin. Her warlock mark is on her forehead, it is a black spiral with red stars circling it. 

Strengths: Chelsea is persistent and doesn't give up easily. 

Weaknesses: She trusts people way too easily. Her naiveness precedes her which makes her an easy target for people who wants to manipulate her. 

Fears: She has this constant fear for demons due to her abusive demon father. 

Background: Chelsea grew up in an abusive environment which scarred her for life. She ran away when she was eight and almost got herself killed by a scavenger demon. That is one of the reasons why she's scared of demons. Chelsea is always interested in learning dark magic because that's what attracted her most but her mentor refused to teach her because of her past and her demon father. Her mentor sees the darkness in her which is why he rejected her but Chelsea was banished mainly because she learned dark magic on her own. 

Powers: Chelsea has the power to heal, teleport and create portals just like any other warlocks. 

Relationship: Unknown. 

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