♤ Chapter Eleven ♤

Start from the beginning

I want all of him.


" What in the world is the meaning of this? " Lady Francis was extremely upset to see Miss Elizabeth's puffy red eyes and face soaked in tears.

I looked at the Young Master and he nodded lightly, giving me the permission to explain to Lady Francis. I explained quietly to the lady about the situation earlier.

" How dare you! " She was quick to act the moment I finished explaining. She stormed beside Miss Elizabeth, raising her hand to slap her.

My hands fiddled with one another behind my back. I should be stopping the hit, but.. I refused. She deser-

" Aunt Francis! " My eyes widened as I watched the Young Master lunge forward and hugged Miss Elizabeth. He was hit in the end.

" Young Ma-! " I called out in worry, only to be interrupted.

" Quiet! " The Young Master raised his voice and I kept silent immediately. I lowered my head and fixed my gaze to the floor.

" Aunt Francis, there's not a need to hit her. I suppose she missed me too much. " I listened, it hurt. It hurt me to hear that he's shielding her.

" You are a very sweet child, Ciel. But you're a nobleman. I will not tolerate this behaviour from a lady! To think that you're his fianceé, too! How can you show such disrespect? " I listened on as I started to breathe deeply again.

" I've made up my mind. Your engagement with Ciel will be called off. I cannot let you marry a nobleman with such an unruly behaviour. Return home with me now. You have no business to be here anymore. " My eyes widened at Lady Francis' words. I lifted my head almost immediately. Am I hearing things?

" W-What? " I watched the Young Master step aside, allowing Aunt Francis to pull Miss Elizabeth off the seat, the Young Master's coat slipping off of her shoulders and onto the floor.

" N-No, I don't want to! Please don't do this! " Miss Elizabeth pleaded in much frustration and shock. Lady Francis refused to reply to Miss Elizabeth's words, bowing apologetically to us before they made their way out of the manor.

As the door closed shut, a light snicker broke the silence in the manor after a moment.

" I got rid of her. " The Young Master turned his head and a smile grew on his face. My breath hitched. This is the Young Master that I know..

I let out a short, half-suppressed laughter. I was speechless. My heart pounded in my chest. I wasn't sure what I was thinking.

He managed to fool me completely.

" Are you surprised? " His voice rang in my head.

Should I be afraid of this child? Or should I have found this thrilling?

More than despair, his greed has also taken over him. His expression tells me he hadn't regret it. This is the Young Master that I know.

" I am, My Young Lord. " I called out his title, exhaling deeply. A nervous smile broke out on my face.

" Oh? " His smile turned into a smirk and my lips formed a thin line.

My heart continued to race in my chest and I, was filled with excitement.

I can't control myself.


" Was it your plan all along? " I questioned curiously as I dressed him up for the night after his bath.

" You could say that, though I didn't expect her to trample on the feather like that. " He glanced at the feather on the nightstand by his bed.

" The Young Master really likes me, it seems. " I sat myself on the edge of the bed and embraced him into my arms, breathing in his scent.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now