I don't wanna do this band gig anymore

35 11 10

Okay, so the band already has a gig to play at, and it's only the 2nd day of band camp.

We sound like crap.

On my way right now to the Aqua Sox game. Ew.

Apparently we have to play at the middle of the field so I'm officially freaked out right now.

Nooooo. I hate playin in front of people.

Pray for me right now. Ugh, I'll probably die.

Remember Ben, aka NGHB, right? Andrei told me that he friend requested him on Facebook.

Wow, wtf. That's it, I'm unfollowing him on Twitter XD

I literally don't like him anymore, he's an asshole XD

It's gonna be like 90 degrees in the field and we have to wear black band shirts, so I'm about to literally die. lol.

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