Sleeping Beauty

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In the movie version of Sleeping Beauty, a dark fairy named Maleficent casts a curse on Princess Aurora in infancy to prick her finger on spindle of a spinning wheel on her 18th birthday and die. As an adult, Aurora and Prince Phillip first meet each other and instantly fall in love. Philip eventually rescues her from her sleeping death by awakening her with a kiss.

In Charles Perrault's Sleeping Beauty or Little Briar Rose by the Brother Grimm, seven good fairies intend to become the princess's godmothers. However, an eighth and evil fairy intervenes and curses the infant princess.

In Giambattista Basile's version, the princess named Talia, is approached by a passing king during her cursed sleep. And failing to wake her up, he rapes her and abandons her, forgetting all about her. She then gives birth to twins and eventually wakes up to find one of them sucking her finger and is unable to remember what happened.

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