Snowed in

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Snowed in.

Mayas eyes fluttered open, she rubbed her eyes and sat up. She instantly grew confused when Riley was no where to be seen.

'Maybe she's having breakfasts' she thinks to herself

Maya gets out of bed and walks into the kitchen and no one was there.

'What the?'

"Nobody's here. They are all snowed in at Topangas cafe" a voice came from behind her.

Maya rolled her eyes.

*The night before*

Maya and Josh got into a fight. Josh brought another girl over for the big family dinner. The two acted all coupley together, and Maya hated it.

Riley had invited Lucas and Farkle over for dinner too, 1 because she wanted to spend time with lucas and 2. Farkle and Smackle had recently broken up so they wanted to get his mind off of it.

Naturally Riley when to lucas and Maya hung out with Farkle. The two teased each other and acted normal, or at least what was normal to them. It wasn't a big deal to Maya when Farkle threw Maya over his shoulder making her erupt in giggles, or when he put his arm over her during the movie. It was a big deal to Josh.

When Maya excused herself to go to the bathroom, Josh quickly followed.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled at her.

"I'm having fun with my friend" Maya answered him looking bored.

"No you're flirting!" Josh yelled

"Listen here Josh," she became which surprised him considering she always called him boing. "You can't stroll in here and act like nothing is going on between us. You can't bring another girl and expect me to not care, to not be hurt. Cause news flash, you walking in with that girl fucking crushed me. I can't believe you have the nerve to tell at me for hanging out with my friend, while you are kissing some other girl! I know we are an official thing, but it still hurts." Maya yells at him.

Josh was left stunned by her words. He didn't know how much he's hurt her and it killed him.

"By the way, I'm just trying to be a good friend and get Farkles mind off of his break up with Smackle. Cause this whole week he was crying in his room and I figured I could try and make him smile and forget about Smackle for a couple hours. Sorry it's such a bad thing to want to be a good friend" Maya storms off.

"Maya I," Josh stopped when he realized she was gone. "Fuck"

*End of flashback*

"Just great" Maya mumbles.

"But I'm here" he sends her a gentle smile

She scoffs.

"Is that suppose to make me feel batter? If anything it makes me angrier"

She tries to storm back into Riley's room, but Josh catches her arm.

"Maya please, let me explain" he begs

"Why? Why should I let you explain?"

"Because, you deserve an explanation." Josh sighs

He did have a point, and Maya knew it. She deserved an explanation from what happened last night.

"Fine." She mumbles

Josh grabs her hand in his but she pulls away from him. A flash of hurt flashes across his face and Maya tries to act like she doesn't notice, but she did.

She follows Josh to the couch.

He lets out a breath.

"Okay so Katie is just a friend Maya, I swear. She just broke up with her boyfriend Andrew, you remember him right? He was there when you crashed my party all those years ago?"

"Yes I remember," Maya fairly smiles at the memory.

"Well they broke up and I wasn't sure why. She asked me to hang out to help her get her mind off of him. I thought she meant as friends so I brought her here, I know it was stupid. Turns out the reason they broke up was because Katie liked someone else and that someone else was me. As soon as I found out I told her that I didn't like her like that. I told her that I had an unofficial official thing going on and she understood." Josh explains to her.

Maya could see in his eyes he was being honest with her.

"Josh I didn't know" she tells him.

He grabs her hand. This time she doesn't pull away.

"I'm not done yet. By the time I cleared things up with Katie you were all cozied up with Farkle and acting like you two were like a thing and I didn't know what was happening and I went to talk to you and things went downhill from there and fuck Maya I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I should've just talked to you instead of yelling at you. I never want you to be mad at me again. I could barely sleep knowing you were upset with me. Could you please forgive me My?" He asks her

She smiles real big and snuggles up closer to him.

"Yes Josh of course. I'm sorry too, I should've asked you instead of assuming things"

"No princess it's okay, I deserved it"

Josh pulls Maya onto his lap and she buries her head into his neck.

"How long will they be snowed in for?" Maya asks him

"Not sure whenever the snow decides to stop. Cory said it may be a couple hours" Josh smiles at her

"So it's just you and me? Alone?"

"Just you and me."

"What do you want to do?" Maya asks him

"Anything you want babe,"

Josh and Maya spent the day watching movies, baking and teasing each other.

Josh threw Maya over his shoulder and teased her demanding her to say "I love my boing" when she didn't he spun her around.

His heart would skip a beat every time she giggled. It made him want to pull her face to his and kiss all over her beautiful face.

There were a few moments during the day where Josh would catch himself staring at Maya in awe. His thoughts would fill with her and her smile, her eyes, her voice, everything about him enveloped him and his thoughts.

"Josh" Maya snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Huh? What?" He asked her

"You weren't paying attention" she pouts

"You're so cute" Josh smiles

"Stopppp" she whines

He sends her a boyish grin and she blushes. Josh couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing in the world. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with her.

'I think I'm in love with this girl'

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