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Imagine that it's Christmas Eve, the Matthews held their annual family dinner. Mr. Matthews finally gave into Riley and Mayas pleas and let them invite Lucas, Farkle, and Smackle. Zay was in Texas for Christmas and Maya was a little disappointed. They were pretty close and she didn't want to be stuck with the two couples. Maya was nervous, it had been two years since Maya and Josh had seen each other last at the Ski Lodge. She was now a Junior in High School. Josh and her have been texting since ski lodge but they haven't actually seen each other.

Maya and Riley were decorating the tree when the buzzer went off.

"Shawn?" Cory asked. He does that every year now.

"No it's your parents," Corys dad answers.

"Oh". Cory buzzes them up.

"Maya everything will be okay" Riley reassures her. The front door opens and Mr And Mrs Matthews walk in. Auggie instantly runs up to them.

"Hey guys" Farkle says. Maya and Riley turn around and Farkle, Smackle, and lucas stood there. "We came through the bay window. Figured you two were there but no"

Riley runs over and hugs lucas. Maya goes over to Smackle and Farkle and hugs them.

"You guys can put your presents under the tree." Topanga tells them.

"Ranger Rick"


"My brotha!" Mayas heart instantly begins racing. She hadn't heard his sweet voice in person in what felt like forever. Sure they talked on the phone but it wasn't the same.

"My brotha!" Cory shouts back. Josh and Cory embrace in a hug. Once they pull away, Joshs eyes instantly find Mayas. He sends her a big goofy grin. He greets everyone else before Making his way to Maya.

"Boing, it's been awhile" she smiles

"Sure has, you keep growing up more and more gorgeous" He smiles before pulling her into a hug that she gladly accepts. "I've missed you" he whispers.

"I guess I missed you too" Maya shrugs. Josh nudges her shoulder.

"You totally missed me. Admit it." Maya just pulls him into another hug.

"I got you something." Josh smiles.

"Josh you didn't have to-" Maya starts

"I wanted to, you mean a lot to me. Of course I was going to get you something." Josh pulls out a small box and gives it to her. "Open it" he urges. Maya smiles at him before slowly opening the box. She gasped at what she saw.

It was a heart shaped necklace with the engraving 'To someday, I promise.' "Josh it's beautiful" she looks up at him. His heart skips a beat knowing how happy he's made her.

"Flip it over" Maya does as told and on the other side of the heart was the words 'I love you you little ferret -Your Boing'

Mayas jaw dropped. She looked up at Josh with tears in her eyes.

"I love you Maya." He smiles shyly.

Maya couldn't control it any longer. She grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips. Josh instantly wrapped his arms around her waist. Maya pulls away from him and puts her head against his. "I love you too Boing"

Cheers are erupted from behind them.

"Finally!" Riley yells. And Maya can't help but giggle at her best friend before turning her attention back to the boy she loves.

Joshs goofy grin grows at her words. "Turn around, let me put it on you!" He says excitedly. She giggles and turns around. Josh puts the necklace around her neck and hooks it in place. Mayas hand goes up to the heart and smiles at it.

"I love it Josh. Thank you."

"Anything for you Maya. But I have one more surprise."

"What now boing?"

"Maya Penelope Hart, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

Maya could see how nervous he was. Joshs eyes scan Mayas, looking for some sort of sign of what she's going to say. "Yes Boing! Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"Best Christmas Ever" Josh announces before kissing Maya again.

He pulls away and smiles.

"You're the best Christmas present I've ever received," he cheekily tells her.

"I mean I guess you're in the top three" Maya teases him.

"Shut up. I'm totally the top one. I mean who wouldn't want me for Christmas," he smirks

I let out a giggle while enjoying how close we are.

"I wouldn't want you for Christmas," Someone announces.

"Zay! You came!" I cheer pulling him into a hug.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world! It's Topangas cooking we're talking about!" Zay laughs.

Zay turns to Josh and looks him dead in the eye. Maya walks back over to Josh and grabs his hand in hers.

"Promise you'll treat her right?" Zay asks

"Of course" Josh says without hesitation. "She's my world. I love her."

Best. Christmas. Ever.

Yay so I actually like this one! I will be working on a another one today and will post tonight! I already have an idea! Also go check out my Joshaya book! It's called 'New Years'

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