Wedding Part 3 (final part)

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The wedding Part 3

Maya stops moving. Her arms slowly unravel from around Josh. Her heart speeds up. She's wanted to hear those words all her life. But hearing them now made her nervous.

He looked at her searching her facial expressions for some kind of hope. Something that showed him she felt the same way. That maybe they could be together, because he was ready.

She opened her mouth to speak to him but was pulled away by Farkle.

"Farkle what are you doing!" She whisper yells at him.

"What are you doing? I thought you were over him? You told us nothing was going on!"

"Nothing was going on! But seeing him again, I don't know the feelings came back I guess and I don't know what to do!" Maya panics

"Woah calm down," Farkle puts his hands on her shoulders.

"He just told me he loves me"

Farkles eyes practically pop out of his head.

"Josh Matthews? The king of excuses like 'I'm too old for you' told you he loves you?"

"Yes! I don't know what to do Farkle. I don't want to get hurt"

"Go tell him you love him Maya. You've been waiting almost four years for this. You both deserve to be happy"

Maya nods and hugs Farkle.

She then goes in search for Josh. She couldn't find him anywhere in the reception room. She walks out to the front and see him standing there waiting in line for the valet.


Josh turns around and his eyes meet her piercing blue ones.

"Maya I'm sorry, I'll just go and leave you alone I just had to tell you." He tells her

"Why would you leave someone who loves you?" She smirks.

Josh looks at her and smiles. He runs over to her and picks her up kissing her all over her face.

"I love you Josh Matthews. I always have and I probably always will" she runs her hands through his hair.

"I love you too Maya Hart."

"You're not leaving right?" She asks him.

He could hear how scared she was when she asked that question. He know how many times she has been left in her life and how much it has affected her.

"No of course not. I don't ever plan on leaving you. You're my little ferret. I wouldn't be able to live without you." He kisses her forehead.

"And you're my boing. I wouldn't be happy without you,"

Josh couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her face and kisses her. He kissed her with so much passion and love.

When they pulled away the leaned their foreheads against each other.

"Finally" a voice speaks up from behind them.

They both expect to see Riley standing there but were surprised when all of Riley's friends, mr and Mrs Matthews and Shawn and Katy stood there.

Topanga was the one who spoke up.

"You knew about this?" Cory asks her

"Come on it was obvious that it would happen." She shrugs.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Shawn asks

"I knew you'd freak. But before you two say anything and judge them, look at how happy they are." Topanga smiles. "Look at my little baby"

Topanga had always called Maya 'her little baby' and Riley 'her little princess'

"Farkle what the hell?" Maya asks

"They wanted to know what Riley was screaming 'yay' for after I told her what we talked about and once Riley told them they all went looking and we followed."

"Peaches! You hoped for something other than art without realizing it!" Riley tells her.

Maya looks at Josh and he smiles at her.

"Yeah I guess I did," she smiles back. "I guess hope isn't for suckers after all."

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