"Relax, we'll go back and get her okay?"

"What if it's too late. She's the last they had left. You saw what they did to you." I could hear the panic in my voice. "And i've been sitting here sleeping." The lamp beside the bed shook as it flicked on and off. "What if they killed her?" I asked with the bed creaking.

"Just calm down. They wouldn't kill her, she's much too valuable to them. Especially if she's the last. We will get her okay?" The creaking and shaking stopped. Scott was good at calming me down.

"Okay." I said feeling somewhat relieved. We got up and told Storm we were leaving to find the last mutant who was stuck at that terrible prison.

"Now that I think of it Alix, I was unconscious and you were in the back of a truck. We don't even know where that place is." Scott said to me. I lost that feeling of relief.

"But I do." Said one of the younger mutants we rescued as she stepped forward.

"Great how far is it?" I asked.

She giggled. "Not too far at all." She put her arms around both of us and closed her eyes. In a second we were teleported to the outside of the building.

"Wow, that's...useful." Scott said impressed. He started walking towards the door.

"Wait...I don't want to go in there." She said with hinted fear.

Scott knelt down to her level and put his hand on her shoulder. "They can't hurt you okay? Not while you're with me." He smiled. "Whats your name?"

"Marilyn, but you can call me Mary." She said shyly looking at the ground.

"Come on, Mary." He held out his hand for her to grab. She smiled back and grabbed his hand. We walked over to the door.

"No handle?" I asked. The little girl grabbed my hand and the three of us teleported to the opposite side of the door. We walked down the hall. The empty cells still had no bars attached.

"I know where they took her." Scott said angrily. "It's where they took me." We rushed down the hall and there was a single door to the left. On the right were more empty cells with bars still attached.

We looked through the window in the lone door and saw the diamond woman on an operating machine. She was unconscious and a doctor with a surgical mask on was drawing her blood into a needle. There was another operating machine with another unconscious body.
He had a stitched mouth, strange red markings under his eyes and he looked sleep deprived. An odd black pattern was drawn onto his skin as if depicting upcoming surgical penetration, it looked like thick permanent marker. Bandages covered his forearms. The doctor flicked the syringe and injected it into the other body. The body shook vigorously for about ten seconds.

"This is what they did to you?" I asked horrified.

"No not that, I was the one getting my blood drawn. They didn't inject anything into me. Afterwards they tried to put me in one of the cells down that hall." He turned over to the hall across from the door.

"Okay it's been long enough. I'll cause a distraction and we'll go in and get her." I told them. He nodded in agreement. I looked at the fire alarm in the operating room and it pushed down from the door window. The alarm blared throughout the halls. The doctor took off the mask and walked towards the door.

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