Chapter 18, twitter

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Note before reading: I've had a bit of a confidence plummet. So while some of this chapter was written before this some of it wasn't so I am really sorry is some of this seems depressing or anything else

Violet xx

Taylor's POV

I'm coming back from LA. Tom said he's meet me at the airport. Good thing too, I have so much stuff with me, including two cats. I have three suitcases with me. I'm pulling two along, I'll have to come back for the other. I see Tom in the distance. That however isn't all I see, photographers, I bet the followed him here. I check what I'm wearing, ok it's fine. Tom walks closely. I give him a hug. Wow I missed Tom.

"How was LA?" Tom asks,

"It was good, my mum and dad flew over and it was amazing seeing them again," I tell him,

"Do you have anything else with you?" Tom asks,

"Yeah it's all on the plane," I reply.

Tom gives a nod and walks onto the plane. He picks up a suitcase and one of the cat cages, I think it's Meredith. Tom puts the suitcase in the book at Meredith in the back. I struggle with the two I have with me until Tom helps me. Somebody as picked up my other suitcase and bought it over to the car.

"I've got it," Tom tells me,

"Thanks," I reply.

I get into the car and Tom shortly follows.

"I reach week 20 tomorrow," I tell Tom,

"I know, isn't i amazing," Tom replies,

"I was thinking of releasing some of our wedding photos," I say,

"Oh, to where?" Tom asks,

"Twitter," I answer,

"Yeah, I don't mind thanks for telling me," Tom replies.

He turns the engine on and drives us back home.

"Are you ready to see our home?" Tom asks me,

"Well, I think so," I say.

Tom opens the door for me. It's so much more homely. There's photographs up and our wedding photo hanging above the mantle. The dinning room looks amazing and so does out kitchen.

"I love it," I breath,

"I'm glad go do," Tom laughs.

I smile. Tom goes to make me a coffee. I turn my laptop on and go to twitter. I find some of the prettiest of my wedding photos. I post the caption "the best day of my life with @twiddleston" Which I think is cute. The likes just keep coming so I close the laptop. I see a coffee appear next to the laptop.

"Thank you," I say spinning around,

"Don't worry about it," Tom says.

I spin around on my chair and face him. Tom's smiling down at me. I stand up.

"I love how the house turned out," I say,

"So do I," Tom laughs.

Time skip, sorry couldn't do that ^ much longer we'll say a couple of days

I walk downstairs and pick up the post. Bills, news papers and ooh fan mail. I take the post into the kitchen-dinner and chuck it all on the table.

"What's this?" Tom asks,

"Oh just the post," I say lightly,

"No I mean what's this?" Tom asks.

I face Tom and see he's hold a magazine.

I face Tom and see he's hold a magazine

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I take a hold of the magazine.

"I don't know," I say.

I open the magazine and flip through the pages. How did they find all this out? They have the guest lists who my brides maids where. My maid of honor. How? Somebody probably spilled. I suppose it doesn't matter.

"I wouldn't worry about it," I say softly,

"I won't" Tom tells me.

I take the magazine and hide it in one of our bedroom drawers. I walk back downstairs to Tom.

"So another 2 months until your next scan, I wonder how our little man is doing," Tom says,

"So do I, I bet he's loving the privacy in there," Taylor laughed,

"Only a matter of months before people are going to start photographing James as well as well as his mum," Tom points out,

"Believe me I am loving it until then," I laugh,

"I think we all are," Tom laughs also.

"Where did they get that photo?" I ask pointing at the photo of 'me' on some sort of red carpet,

"Photo shop?" Tom suggests,

"Maybe, I mean probably from the internet," I reply,

"That seems to make sense," Tom agrees.

We sit in silence for a moment. I think about what the magazine said, this rebound just serious. They think Tom of a rebound. Does the press honestly think that bad of me? I hold back the thought. I honestly don't want to think about this. I look up and see Tom about to put all the magazines in the bin.

"Wait, don't" I say,

"Why?" Tom asks,

"I don't know, I just want to keep this one," I say.

I walk over to Tom and pull out the magazine and let him bin the rest. I toss it onto the kitchen side. I feel Olivia who has started staring at where we keep the cat food. That magazine just threw me off and I don't know. 

"Taylor?" Tom says, almost worryingly,

"Yep sorry, trapped in my own thoughts," I say snapping my head around,

"Um, ok," Tom says,

"Sorry Tom, just... you know, sorry," I apologize.

Tom seems to think for a moment before reopening his mouth.

"Taylor, I think you and I both know that the media will do whatever they want to get the reads they want. This relationship has been the victim of this sort of attention for months. I wouldn't worry about it, at the end of the day the people who believe this sort of thing to be true aren't the sort of people you really want to be surrounded by. You've just got to know your true fans will break past this, any hate you get you won't have to face alone. You'll have me, all your friends, your family, you'll have Swifties around the world. Don't think about it," Tom tells me,

"I won't I'm sorry Tom," I say softly.

Authors note:  I literally spent like an hour and a half making that mag cover because of boredom but I do still have a life. The picture of Taylor with her little bump in the mag is by Celebmanip on tumblr.

Looking at you- Hiddleswift / Swiddleston (Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now