Chapter 17, decorating

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Tom's POV

I pull the paint into the house. I've never seen Taylor so excited about something before. I find some paint brushes and we start work on our bedroom first. Taylor said we should go to dreams or something to find a bed. I agreed. We paint the one wall purple and the rest white. It looks really pretty. Taylor puts so glitter on the purple wall. I know that Taylor really likes sparkly things so I don't even suggest not to. We had bought some wall cabinets yesterday and I screw them to the wall while Taylor finishes up the last wall.

"It looks amazing, but seriously we need to buy an actual bed," Taylor tells me,

"Yes, I would agree," I laugh.

We open the windows to the bedroom and shut the door. We move over to the living room that we paint a really nice red. We're going to a furniture shop tomorrow so we'll probably get a nice sofa there. I find that Taylor almost pictures our house I think it's really sweet and beautiful. I open the windows in the living room. We turn to the nursery. Taylor got loads of colors. She begins to pain the walls herself. I paint three of the walls and when I turn back to Taylor's wall I see this really cute rainbow surrounded by clouds.

"Wow, you never told me you could paint," I say,

"Oh I can't," Taylor replies,

"Believe me you can," I laugh.

Taylor smiles and begins to paint clouds on the other walls. Taylor's mobile keeps going off. She looks at it and asks me it pick it up as her hands are full of paint.

"Hello, Taylor Hiddleston's phone," I say remembering that she changed her surname at the last moment

"Hello, who is this?" a female voice asks,

"I'm Tom Hiddleston, her husband," I reply,

"Mr Hiddleston, it's Lisa Wilson, your midwife, I've had a look at Taylor's scans," Lisa tells me,

"Oh yes?" I reply,

"Well I have spotted what made those pains and it far from life threatening and it fine, so you are able to continue the pregnancy as planned," Lisa explains,

"Oh thank you," I say.

I hear Lisa laugh.

"Yes, thank god," Lisa laughed,

"Well thank you, have a nice day," I say,

"Thank you, you too," Lisa replies.

I hang up and turn back to Taylor she raises and eyebrow at me.

"It was the midwife," I say,

"And?" Taylor asks, on edge,

"All good," I say.

I walk over to Taylor and kiss her cheek. I walk back downstairs and put the kettle on. I make Taylor a coffee. I take it upstairs, Taylor is finish the last wall. I open the windows. I wait just outside the nursery. When Taylor comes out she shuts the door after herself. I hand her the coffee.

"Thank you," Taylor says,

"So, we can guess that the paint will have dried by tomorrow," I say,

"Yes, I thought we could go look for furniture today," Taylor suggested,

"Yeah, one question though, as we've repainted out room I presume that we can't really be sleeping in there, shall we use my old house? I mean we haven't even put it on the market yes," I offer,

"Yeah I think that's good," Taylor agreed.

I smile. We agree to go buy some furniture. I drive us to several stores. Going back and forth between shops and home. A lot of the stuff we have delivered for tomorrow but some of the little things like lamps, photo frames etc we put in the boot. I'm pretty happy about everything. I drive us back to my house. I show Taylor where the bedroom is. I don't think she's been here before. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.


"Morning Tom," Taylor says,

"Morning Taylor," I whisper back,

"Tom, we should probably get going," Taylor tells me.

I nod and get out of bed. I hold the car door open for Taylor and drive us back to our home together. I give Taylor a hand out. We walk in. We have about an hour before things start arriving. I check the paint all dry. Taylor has booked for somebody to come in next week to work on the kitchen. She's going to LA and a couple of other places to bring the majority of her wardrobe over here. I suggested she did so while they worked on the kitchen and windows. There's a knock on the door and I get it. It's some people delivering furniture. I lead them to where we need it. A lot of them help us set it up. Taylor however is unable to be helpful. I don't mind though. Soon our bedroom is all set up. 

"Taylor do you have the sheets?" I ask,

"Yep, I'll put them on, do you want to go help them with the nursery?" Taylor tells me.

I watch for a moment then go over to the nursery, it comes together really nicely. I hear Taylor go back downstairs. I'm busy helping with the nursery. When I go back downstairs I see the living room is all put together. Our family home is almost perfect. One of the walls in the living room we had wall papered and it was so worth it.

"It's stunning," I say,

"I know, I just love it, this is where we're going to have almost the roots of our family," Taylor tells me,

"You're more excited that I thought you'd be," I laugh,

"Yes, I can be surprising," Taylor says.

I laugh a little and sit back on our sofa. We're sorting our dining room tomorrow. We should probably get on with painting it.

"I feel so fat," Taylor tells me,

"You're not fat," I tell her,

"Well I look it," Taylor disagrees,

"I don't relive that," I reply,

"I was thinking we could knock down the wall between the dinning room and the kitchen and put a breakfast bar in or something," Taylor tells me,

"Yeah, we could so that," I agree,

"So long as it's before my third scan though," Taylor tells me,

"Yeah ok," I reply.

Taylor then looks upstairs, I think she's wondering about the nursery.

"I can show you if you like," I offer.

Taylor gives me a nod. I lead her upstairs. Her jaw opens at seeing the nursery.

"It's amazing, I love it," Taylor tells me,

"I thought you would," I laugh.

Taylor looks around the nursery. Almost buzzing with excitement. To be honest I am also.

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