Chapter 13, talk shows

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Taylor's POV

We about an hour from landing in New York I check my watch.

"We're running late," I say panicked,

"Ok, so hand you bags to your security they can check us in at the hotel, you can get changed in the the toilet and we can go directly to the talk show," Tom suggests,

"Ok well, we could still be late," I tell him.

I pick up my bags and head into the bathroom. I change my dress and shoes and apply makeup quick as I can. I didn't realize my dress was so clingy, I look sideways, I doesn't really matter. I put my red lipstick on and emerge from the bathroom. Tom is picking up his tie. I walk closer and do up his tie for him.

"Thank you," Tom tells me,

"No problem," I say.

I lean in and press my lips against Tom's. We then sit down ready for landing. I hand my suitcase to a security guard. Tom and I get driven straight to the studio where we're due. I check my watch. We've turned out a couple of minutes early. I still run into the studio.

"Welcome Taylor, ah and Tom," Kelly says to me,

"Hello Kelly, we aren't late at all," I ask,

"No, not at all," Kelly tells me all smiles.

She walks onstage. Tom and I wait for a moment before walking on also. We sit down together and I take a hold of Tom's hand. The cameras turn on and this little light goes on telling us we're on air.

"Hello everyone I'm Kelly," Kelly says,

"And I'm Michael," Michael says "and with us today we have the american sweetheart Taylor Swift and her dashing British boyfriend Tom Hiddleston,",

"Hello," I say.

The conversation begins to fly and they start asking questions about what we've been up to and where we've been hiding.

"Taylor, I'm terribly sorry but on you hand there's a ring," Kelly says,

"Oh yes," I say looking at my engagement ring.

"What is it?" Kelly asks,

"Oh, this is my engagement ring," I answer,

"Wait, hold on engagement ring?" Michael asks,

"Well yes, we're getting married you see, next week actually," Tom explains,

"Woah! And you haven't told anybody?" Kelly asks,

"Not a soul, it's a deal secrete," I laugh,

"Wow this is well, big news isn't it?" Kelly says,

"Well yes, but honestly I think there's got to be something that we can keep a secrete," I reply,

"I agree, so where are you getting married?" Michael asks,

"England," Tom tells them,

"I presume the venue is a dead secrete," Kelly jokes,

"Well I wouldn't say dead secrete but yes pretty close," Tom laughs,

"Ok well thank you we're just going on a short break and we'll see you soon," Kelly says.

The lights go off and Tom and I get up. We grab a coffee. I keep playing around with my ring. Ok this is something I should do, being open with my fans is part of what I do, I don't care if people hate me for it. Was the show live? I'm going to break my number one rule in a bit and dare to google myself. I think I'll wait though. Yep I should wait. I return back to the talk show. This time around Kelly and Michael ask a lot about the engagement and the wedding and most of all why. When they asked why we got engaged. Tom and I try to laugh it off.

"Come on Tom, spill the beans. Why now?" Michael asks,

"Well, honestly I think when you find the one you don't need time to figure out if they are the actual one," Tom replies,

"Well I'm sure Taylor is a very lucky lady," Kelly says.

I smile keeping quiet, I'm not sure what but my stomachs as started to swirl into pain. I try to ignore it to the best of my ability but I tend to keep the answering of questions to Tom. I notice that Kelly has been talking to me.

"Sorry, I zoned out," I apologize,

"Don't worry about it, I was asking why you said yes to Tom," Kelly tells me,

"Oh, well because he's just so amazing, I mean there's no way you could say sorry to him. Tom is just well, everything I've been looking for," I reply calmly.

Kelly seems satisfied with my answer and I zone out again, I'm not really wanting to be here anymore. I feel Tom edge closer to me. I see him cover his mic.

"Are you feeling ok?" Tom whispered.

I nod slowly. Tom doesn't seem to believe me but turns his attention back to Kelly and Michael. I cover my Stomach clinging onto it tightly. It's actually really sore. Michael catches my eye. He raises his eyebrow but then turns back to Tom. When they've finished asking questions ect I say goodbye. The lights go out again. I get up and grab my coat. Tom walks behind me.

"Taylor, what's wrong?" Tom asks,

"It's nothing," I lie. 

Tom looks at me sternly. I look away and walk towards the car. I'm about halfway through the car where there's a sharp pain and crumble to floor. Tom runs to my side.

"Taylor? Taylor can you hear me?" Tom asks,

"Yes," I say though struggling a little.

I grip onto my stomach.

"Taylor, what's going on?" Tom asks, almost panicking,

"It hurts," I manage to mutter.

Tom looks around and then lifts me up. I'm unable to pay much attention to the world around me. Tom helps me into the car and starts driving. I look up long enough to know we're not headed where we should.

"Tom where are we going?" I ask,

"The hospital," Tom tells me,

"Why? It's nothing," I reply,

"Taylor, you look a mess. I need to know mum and baby is ok," Tom explains.

And yeah I know it seem really dark this is probably because I was listening to some very depressing and sad music at the time and it directly affected the chapter. I'll put on some happy music and try to make a high in the next chapter but I am happy about how this one turned out.

Looking at you- Hiddleswift / Swiddleston (Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now