"Definitely," She agrees as we both get up from the bench, "Call me anytime," She hugs me briefly one last time, before waving goodbye and heading off in the opposite direction. I am honestly very relieved that I had ran into her cause I hadn't seen her in forever and I missed her dearly. Also, since I started here I hadn't really made any friends that were girls and I really just needed someone that I could be girly with and talk to about my feelings to, my feelings that the guys wouldn't understand. Although I'm sure Ashton wouldn't mind being girly with me, cause oddly enough he did ask to come with me to get a manicure and pedicure once. 

I make my way into my room and feel a sense of relief when I see that Susan isn't in there. I get into the shower, letting the warm water wash away all the sweat and grime. That's another reason I hate physical activity. I hate sweating. I try my best not to let Calum cross my mind too much, because I don't need my thoughts of him ruining the rest of my day. So far we've worked out every problem that we've been through, so I'm gonna leave things be and hopefully everything will just return to normal. If not, I guess we just aren't meant to be friends. He's not meant to be in my life, and I'm not meant to be in his.

After I finish showering, a tranquil sensation taking over me, I quickly change into black flannel sweats and a plain white-tee. I walk back into the room, startled to see Susan who was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Oh it's you," She groans getting up from her chair, making her way to the door. I roll my eyes, as I continue to dry my hair off with my towel, "I'm leaving," She mutters before storming out the door.

"Knock Knock," I hear someone say from the other side of the door, after Susan disappears down the hall. I watch as the door opens and a wide-smiled, blue eyed boy walks inside.

"Luke," I exclaim, flashing him a toothy grin before continuing to towel dry my hair.

"I brought this for you," He presents me with a cup of coffee from starbucks as he takes a sip out of the one in his other hand. 

"God bless you," I chuckle, graciously taking the cup from him, "I needed this."

"Anytime," He grins, as he takes a seat on my bed. I quickly run a comb through my hair, and take a seat beside him, "I believe this is yours," He chuckles handing me my phone,

"How did you get my phone?" I ask, giggling along with him,

"I uhh...didn't see it on your bed, and I kinda accidentally sat on it," He blushes, shyly shifting his gaze to his  feet.

I stare at him, with an amused smirk on my face, until his eyes meet mine, and we both burst into laughter. My giggling soon dies down when a message appears on my screen.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his amused expression fading to one of concern,

"Oh it's nothing," I assure him, clicking the lock button at the top of my phone and placing it on the night stand beside my bed.

"Valerie," He gives me a look of disbelief.

"Well, It's just adam texted me telling me he wants to take me to a bar tonight at 8," I mumble honestly, watching my foot intently as I tap it against the hard wood floor.

"Oh, the boyfriend," He acknowledged, moving to lay on his side propping himself up with his elbow, "But I don't see the problem,"

"It's just...I-I've never been to a bar," I confessed, frustratingly running my hands through my damp hair,

"Well you are 18 now," He reminds me, "You're old enough to go," 

"I know, but I just don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of Adam," I sigh, "I've never had alcohol before,"

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