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Abbi P.o.v
* alarm *
Oh Adoption day ... When everyone wants a baby or a toddler not a 15 year old who has many problems. ..
Cause who would want that anyways ...

"Abbi Get ready now people are coming in 20 minutes " Said Mrs .Sherkmen " Okay " as I said back I just wore simple Band t-shirt ( Blink 182) Black ripped jeans and boots no make up cause I don't have any and hair straight cause bish why not ... as I was walking down I heard a high pitch scream ... oh great another famous person here to adopte ...
As I sat down by the window looking at all the crazy girls I decided to just stare outside the window ... I got distracted when someone said " It's more beautiful when it rains" the blonde guy says " It is especially when there's a rainbow at the end " as I said back ." LUKE" Another boy said "I'll be back love " Luke I'm guessing his name said " People never come back for me " I said very softly ... I continued to look out the window until I got a tap on the back I turned around to see Luke and another guy who looks like his brother ..
"HI I'm Ashton and this is Luke " Ashton said " hi im Abbi" I said trying to be nice cause if I don't oh it will be bad the rest of the day not from mrs.sherkmen but from the girls who love them .. they look familiar
" oh you're from 5 seconds of summer Good Song by the way" I said breaking the silence " You know who we are " Luke said " Yeah but I'm not a crazy fan just like the album now if you were like Halsey that would be a different story" I said back ..
" Anywho would u like to be adopted by Luke and I " Ashton said " Um are you guys like brothers oh shit or you dating or something?" I said to Ashton and Luke " No we aren't brother nor are we dating I'm dating arzaylea and Ashton is dating Bryana." Luke said to me .. " Okay Um sure I guess just letting you know I'm a handful
" Don't worry we are in a band full of monkeys I think we'll be fine * laughs*" Ashton said
" how about you go pack and I'll help while Ashton signs some papers okay?" Luke said as I started to get up from my seat .. " Okay Thanks Luke and Ashton " i said back Luke and I Ran to my room packed all my things which wasn't a lot and ran back downstairs and hurried to the car before paparazzi could notice after we put everything in the car Ashton are to us jumped into the car and started it ... " Let's Go Home Abbi" Ashton Said as Luke said " A New beginning for you babygirl go take a nap I'll wake u up when we get home " as right there and then I fell asleep ...

When I woke up I was in a bed I started to panic then I remembered that I was adopted to I ran downstairs and only see Luke and this other guy I think he's from the bad too ..
"Oh Goodmoring sleepy head " Luke said " Goodmoring well evening "I said back The Blue headed guy said " HI my name is Michael I'm in the band with Luke " " Oh that's cool I'm abbi" I said back to him being nice
" So Abbi Ashton and I live in separate homes he lives with calum and Michael lives with us but don't worry they are a block away and we go over there all the time for band practice I know it's confusing but you'll get use to it " Luke said as I eat a slice of pizza cause Michael gave me one ..." Thank you Michael and Okay that's fine Luke it will get some getting used to but I'll be fine "I said as I was continuing eating my pizza ...Michael Spoke up and said " LUKE LET ME TAKE HER CLOTHES SHOPPING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE" "Fine tomorrow I want her to settle in first " Luke said " But it's only 2pm please Luke we'll be back before dinner "Michael asked Luke " Fine But keep her safe a take my card " Luke said to Michael cause Luke is done with his shit " Yes Okay Abbi go get ready and we can go " Michael said as he pushed me up the stairs " Okay okay Michael don't get your panties in a twist " I said back
" Okay just hurry" Michael said to me ...
Well this will be a fun experience

Once we hit the mall we went to so many stores and made 3 trips back to the car 2 trips to the food court cause why not its taco bell and now we are in hot topic " I Love this store If you love punk rock things your gonna love this store " Michael said as we entered I love it already I see Green day ,nirvana, blink 182 , Holy shit Twenty one pilots hell yeah omfg they have the boys here if Michael sees that he's gonna buy it all for me nope not happening I won't let it happen
"OMG THEY SELL US HERE LOOK ABBI COME ON LET'S GO GRAB SOME " Michael yelled as he pulled me to the section of them and asked me what's my size, I told him small or medium t-shirt and pants a 7-9 he bought me so much already I tried to stop him telling him no but he's like " Luke is expecting like 100s of bags come on go get a back pack for school and some shoes ... OOOHHHH we have to go to vans and buy you some vans " Well looks like we aren't gonna be home for dinner ...

Once we headed to vans Michael said grab as many as I want but I'm only going to grab one once I said done when I found the shoe that I want he look at me like really that's all bitch you better get some more or I will find out your size and buy you some shit. .

So I grab like 3 more Michael wasn't satisfied but was okay he payed and we headed to the car ... the Michael spoke up " Luke said he took his GF to the movies so we can eat out for dinner I'm thinking Red lobster " " Michael you spent enough already I'm good with cold pizza at home " I said back to him feeling guilty of using his money " Nope we are going to red lobster wait you're not allergic to seafood are u " he asked with a worry in his voice " No I love seafood Michael don't worry" I told him as his facial expressions changed to worry to happiness

Once we headed into red lobster we got seated and the waiter came she was really pretty I think Michael fell in love he started to stutter when she asked if we wanted bread he was all like " uh uh uh uh uhu uhu ummmm" I had to save him so I said yes please and she said she'll be right back as she turned away she was kinda blushing
" Ohhhh Miley has a little crushhh" I said singing it "Damn how did she get her red hair to wave like that she's beautiful " Michael said daydreaming about her ... as she came back with our bread I asked her what was her name she said " Oh I'm so sorry my name is Maggie " " Oh that's a beautiful name I'm Abbi and this is Michael who is single and my brother " i said back to her as I got a kick under the table hitting my leg
Maggie asked what would we like to eat blushing a little bit harder now then before .. " I'll have the ( A/n I've been to red lobster like 2 times so whatever you like and what you don't like is what Michael will get )
As she went to go and take our orders to the chef she gave Michael a piece of paper saying we should hang out some time and her number oh dang Mike got game ...

After dinner we headed home to see not one but two car and the house lights was off Michael knew what they ( luke and arzaylea) were doing he made a disgusting face and drove to I guess Ashton and Calums place Ashton opened the door and told me I got a room here too so I should go put have of everything in there and told me we will go room decor shopping tomorrow I told him there's no need Michael spent a lot of money on me already then calum spoke up and said " Well that's Michaels money and we have our own so ha oh by the ways I'm  calum heard so much great things about you already sweetie" I thanked him and headed to my room put a lot of stuff away and asked Ashton if I could shower he said yes it's nice having a nice cold shower when you were shopping with Michael oh that reminds me I have to tell calum about Michaels game today that's gonna be fun I just know it already ... as I was washing my hair with L'Oréal shampoo and conditioner I started to hum a song by the boys called good girls it's a catchy song ... I gave my body a wash once I hit the chorus and then Michael was out side singing with me too it was funny then once I was done he ran away I put on my clothes and got ready to sleep I walked downstairs to see a sleepy Michael so I decided to take action and tell calum about what happened to day ...

* after telling the story *
" as we left she winked at him and said bye Michael I'll call u later I was thinking Like damnnn Gordon got game " I said to calum and Ashton ...
Calum said " Damn first day with Michael you got him a date u go girl slay" Ashton asked calum " Are you sure you're not gay cause mate u act like it sometimes?" Calum replied back " Ha ha ha very funny Abbi it's late you had a long day and you'll have a long day tomorrow go to bed sweetie we love you goodnight " I said " Goodnight Ashton and Calum love you guys too * runs to Michael * I LOVE YOU MIKEY THANKS FOR TODAY GOODNIGHT " I ran upstairs once my head hit that people I was out like a light and boom Darkness surrounds me in my sleep

A/N Hey guys I made a new book I hope you like it I'm going to start having questions of the chapter and I'll have my answer then you can comment on what you guys think okay? Okay

Question of the CH.:
Should Abbi Get a lover yet or is it to soon ?

Writers answer :
I think it's to soon just stay tuned for what's going to happen

Readers answer :

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