The mission

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Hi! This is Amii1225's sister writing and editing the story! (As she told me to) but although she told me to do the editing, I'm writing it by my own imagination! (Since she didn't say anything about keeping it as it was before!)

This is the edited ver. Of the story. And I think that it is much more better than the old one.. and just saying but, the ending may be different from before.. so try not to spoil!

It was dark...she was running...someone was chasing after her...she didn't know why she was being chased or who was chasing her..she tried to activate her innocence many times but it didn't.

She kept running until the one who was chasing after her suddenly appeared in front of her.

She knew who the man was. The man was fat, holding an umbrella, and was smiling weirdly. It was the Millennium Earl.

"Guhehe~you are mine...'heart'~" the Earl said with the same laughing tone of his voice.

She became confused. The Earl called her 'The Heart'.

The Earl attacked her and unknowingly, her innocence suddenly activated and she flew before she was hit by the earl's attack. She landed safely but the Earl was already behind her ready to attack and then....

She woke up sweating a lot.

"...a...dream?" She asked herself.

She felt the dream was too real to even call it a dream. Then, she heard a knock from her door. She was a little surprise when the knock came and calmed down immediately realizing that it was just a knock coming from her door.

"who is it?" She asked.

"it's me, Allen" The person answered politely.

Lenalee got up from her bed and fixed her messy hair before opening the door to see Allen waiting outside.

"What is it Allen?" She asked with a smile on her lips.

"chief Komui is calling for us,he said to come to his office right away" Allen answered, avoiding to look at Lenalee who was still wearing her pajamas.

"Okay, you can go ahead. I'll just change, and thank you for telling me" she said with a warm smile. Allen blushed before leaving and answering to her.

She change into her new exorcist uniform, wore her dark boots, she go out of her room and locked it before walking towards chief Komui, her brother's, office.

When she opened the door she immediately stepped to the left side so that she could avoid a flying blur that shouted her name in a very loud voice.

That blur was lenalee's brother, Komui Lee, and the second chief of the black order's headquarters.

Everyone in the black order would agree that Komui is a genius but they would also hesitatingly agree to his extreme sister complex over Lenalee.

"GOOD MORNING, LENALEE!" Komui greeted with his stupid looking expression.

"good morning, brother" Lenalee answered smiling, ignoring his brother's stupid expression.

Lenalee noticed the other exorcist behind her brother. It was Kanda, Lavi, Bookman, Allen, Krory,and Miranda. She smiled at them all and greeted them a good morning, which they also replied with a good smile.

Well, except for Kanda of course. He just ignored Lenalee's greetings and even let out a grunt.

"Why'd you call us here early in the morning" Kanda asked with his usual angry voice.

"well, I have a new mission for all of you here" Komui answered, now back to his serious expression.

He sat back down to his chair and putted both of his hands on his table, that was almost full of documents, and leaned his chin on it.

"w-what is this mission? since you called us all s-seven here...c-could it be a very important mission?" Miranda asked, stuttering some of her words out of nervousness.

"well..that could also be it but.." Komui answered with a Serious face on, his glasses shining as the lights reflected to its frames.

"Is it an innocence or something-sa?" Lavi asked, rather energetically.

Komui let out a heavy breath, still having a serious face on. But he was worried about assigning the seven of them to the mission. He was worried that it maybe a very difficult mission for the seven of them.

"spill it out already!" Kanda angrily said, tired of listening to their division chief, hesitate.

"will you calm down a bit, Kanda" Krory said to Kanda with a smirk.

"sigh... This very important. And I need you all to succeed this one" Komui said. After a minute or two of silence, he added that no matter what will happen, they have to succeed the mission.

"how important is this mission brother?" Lenalee asked, steeping a foot forward to Kanda.

It was to stop Kanda from shouting to her brother again.

"it is as important as your life.." Answered Komui now with a bit calm face on "so what's the mission"Kanda again asked harshly "your mission travel and to find 'it'" answered Komui  "'it'?" Asked everyone except Lavi,bookman  and Kanda.

So sorry for the mistakes I promise to fix/make it better on the next chapter!
Hope you like it...and I also hope that you will read the next chapter.

D.Gray man The Heart {editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora