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Hello, before we get started, I'd like to tell you who I am. My names Alister, I figured that since I actually feel responsible for what I have done for the first time in my life. And I actually feel remorse about it. When someone finds this book i need you to turn me in because I'm not going to myself.

      This is my story of how I fell in love with a girl named Luna, and how our relationship ended. But let me tell you, it's a sad, terrible story.

    It was mid fall, my favorite time of the year, and I was walking on this path that I haven't been on before, you know exploring new places to do new "things" to settle the rage I have. It was about 9 pm and was getting dark outside, not to dark to where you can't see anything but dark enough to not know if someone is looking at you or not.
     I have been walking for about half an hour now and I finally see someone. She was short,  she has long chestnut colored hair down to her hips, it was thrown over her right shoulder and softly blowing through the breeze. She walked fast but not to fast to make people think she's in a rush, but with confidence like she wanted people to notice her. She was wearing a red t-shirt that has a super woman logo on it made up of fake diamonds; she was wearing a leather jacket over that, that had one to many zippers on it for my taste anyway, she also was wearing these dark denim jeans with tall brown boots. I stopped in my tracks when I seen her, admiring her beauty, but then When I was done observing I went up to her to say hello.
     "Hello" I say "hi" she says back with a shy smile but keeps walking. I stop and turn around and jog a little to catch up with her but not to much because she wasn't that far away from me. "I'm sorry to bother you miss, but I think you are so pretty and I just thought I'd let you know." I say with a winning smile. "Thank you, but I have a boyfriend." My smile fades when she said this because no, just because I say you're pretty does not mean I want to get into your pants, I bet she doesn't even have a boyfriend. "Well that's to bad, but I wasn't looking to hook up hun, this was a test, to see if you were worth sparring or not." I pause for a second and smile at her priceless expression. "You failed." I said with my deep raspy voice and then I pounce, it was exhilarating to me, it always is, I pushed her to the grass and put my cold black leather gloves around her pretty throat and squeeze the soft life out of her. It relieved me to see the life drain out of her eyes, it has been awhile. I get up and just leave, I don't clean up the bodies because I have nothing to worry about I always cover my tracks.

    I continue walking past the corps who's name I forgot to get before I killed her and on to the rest of the path. I continue walking for 15 minutes listening to some classical music, it soothes me and makes me feel the slightest bit of happiness. So I continue my walk, it was getting near the end of the song so I turned it off and put it in my front left pocket of my jeans and I look up, I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. And something happens I feel something, I wasn't sure of what it was at the time but it was real.  She's just sitting under a tree, it was a big tree, thick branches and thick trunk, it's leaves were all the way orange and red with a majority of them on the ground surrounding her in the perfect way. She was reading, the fault in our stars. I walk from the path to her trying not to be some creepy dude who just stalks people under trees. And I say "hey" at first she didn't hear me and then I say it again a little louder. She looks up at me and I could tell she was kinda scared of me, but it excited me. "Hey" she says back "what's your name?" She asked me. "My names Alister Carlisle, and what's yours, if you do not mind me asking" "Luna Rose, it's nice to meet you Alister." She puts out her hand for me to shake it. I take off my glove before I do because I feel like it would be wrong to shake her hand with the glove that I just murdered someone with. I shake her hand and she smiles at me and I feel like this feeling should really stop because it is strange and native to me. I have the strongest urge to kill her right here and right now, but at the same time I like the feeling and I think I like her. "So what are you doing out her this late all alone in a place like this?" I ask her. And she smiles and looks down at the book she's reading and I feel so dumb because duh, I could clearly see that. But I ask the question anyway. "What are you reading?" I mean I knew it was the fault in our stars but I like hearing her talk, it's soothing better than the classical shit I listen to. "The fault in our stars, it's really good, but also sad at the same time." "What is it about?" I ask "and do you mind if I sit here with you, I don't have many friends and you seem really nice and kind and you're really beautiful by the way." I say shyly and I think I might have blushed a little. "Awe thank you. And yes you're welcome to sit with me. And you know you're pretty cute yourself, Carlisle." "Why thank you rose" I say

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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