Chapter 2

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I wanted to thank all those who have read so far!

It has been a struggle to continue for the sake that I don't know where I'm going with this.

Let me know if you have an ideas to continue.

Thanks! He11ofaith

Bill's Pov

"Who volunteers!"

I glared at all of my crew members. "No one will volunteer!"

"Fine, Eight, you will lead the charge with Red and three others that you choose. Now, choose."

I raised my arms high in the air laughing. "You have five minutes before I throw you overboard."

Eight, or Michael Gamer, yelled three names and ran to the boats.

The crew members gathered near to help get them out in the waters.

I smiled, "Only come back when you have caught at least one siren / mermaid(merman), ok?"

I showed them blue flames on my hand.  The crew yelled back, "OK!"

"Good, now get!" I waved my hand and walked away from that side of deck to see if anything was happening.

The stars were shining with such a bright light that the moon light up the night.


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