Chapter 3

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Dipper's Pov

So, hey there..

I'm Dipper. Well. That's not my real name but I prefer Dipper over my real name any day.

My full name is Dipper Pines...

Pines because my parents had birthmarks like pine trees even though I have no idea what pine trees look like....

Let me explain....

I'm a merman.... Ok so everyone has heard of mermaids before... Right?

Well, a merman is basically a male version of a mermaid. We, mermen, are known for our singing but we can see pieces of the future as well....

Also, merman only happen once every fifty years so our tears are worth thousands/millions of human dollars....

So, the pines family has many rules:

1) Never go to the surface
2) never be seen by humans
3) Stay with a buddy
4) never lose sight of each other
5) stay away from human things
6) Stay at home if Grunkles are not there.

Boring... I say anyway....

WELL, my sister Mabel Pines and I didn't listen....

Here's where our story crosses in human life....

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