Part Two

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The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.

-Robert Burns

 “Go! Go!” I yelled as I slammed the car door. Ty looked at me confused but sped off anyway.

“What happened?” he asked in concern.

“I may have pissed off someone.”

He looked at me warily. “Who did you piss off Evangeline?”

“Damon McKnight,” I mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Damon McKnight,” I said louder.

“WHAT?” He slammed on the brake.

“Tyler!” I screeched.

“Damon McKnight, Evangeline?”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I defended.

“But still, a McKnight of all people?” He sighed. “Tell me everything.”

So I did. I told him everything that had happened today.

“That Lucas kid sounds persistent, he’s probably going to bother you tomorrow.”

“I know,” I grumbled as we pulled up to our house.

“Why don’t we just deal with it as it comes?” He suggested.

I nodded, “Yeah, okay. What are we having for dinner tonight?”

“How about we order in.”


Ty’s eyes lit up. “Movie marathon?”

“Harry Potter?”

“Of course! What else would we watch?” I grinned and started to pull the movies out.

* * * * *

I trudged my way down the stairs the next morning. “You look tired, Shortstack,” Ty said as he put a bowl, a box of Lucky Charms, and milk in front of me.

“Stop calling me that,” I grumbled as I made my breakfast.

“Why? You are short,” he laughed.

“Just because you’re freakishly tall,” I glared.

“Maybe I’m not freakishly tall but you’re just freakishly short,” he pointed out.

“Shut up,” I whined. He was annoyingly put together this early in the morning. My brother and I were complete opposites when you looked at us. He was tall, I was short. He had blue eyes, I had brown. He had light brown hair with a hint of red, I had dark brown almost black hair. He was muscular and looked strong, I looked like I had no muscles and was weak. He was tan, I was far from it. The list goes on and on but we got along surprisingly well, always have according to Dad.

“You need to get ready and out the door in the next half hour. I have to go check on the store and the shop,” Ty informed me. You’re probably thinking store and shop, same thing right? But it’s not. The store is a bookstore/café and the shop is an occult shop literally called The Shoppe that our mother owned, passed down from parent to child. Ty has been working in it officially since he was fourteen and now runs it completely. Mom used to take us in there when she would work and teach us about everything. After Mom, our aunt Kelly, my mom’s sister, ran the shop. She did less and less when Ty started and let him take control. Then I started working there when I was fourteen as well and started training. Dad hasn’t stepped foot in the shop since Mom died.

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