Chapter Two: Lyn-Z Is Not Straight (Surprise)

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Chapter 2

A/N: don't forget to read, vote, and comment!! - SJ PS have a gay day

LynZ did not fuck Ryan Ross. She was fucking gay, for fucks fucking sake. She was a raging dyke who didn't even like men platonically, let alone romantically or sexually. Also, if she did like guys, Ryan would be so not her type. She wasn't into scarf play. And she didn't like people who cried or recited poetry during sex. Also, she wasn't into the whole Morrissey thing. Ryan Ross was like Morrissey pt 2. He was sad and angsty and annoying, but he wasn't a vegetarian. Which was another reason Lynz didn't want to date him. Lynz, a proud vegan, would not date someone who wasn't at least a vegetarian.

However, although Lynz was stoutly not fucking Ryan Ross, Ash Costello from the Hecate cabin had made it very clear that the general consensus of the entire camp was that she and Ryan were indeed having The Sex(™). Chris Motionless, the weird emo kid who insisted he was a Hades kid even though it was obvious he was just trying to be goth and hadn't been claimed yet, made her a paper hat that said I <3 Ryan Ross on it, and on the back, in elegant cursive, said DICK!!!!1!1!!!!!!!! Ash Costello had hung a banner in the dining hall that said Lynz + Ryan = hawt sex and love xxxxxxx <3 <3 <3 <3 and Mr. Urie hadn't even told her to take it down. Well, Mr. Urie didn't really give a fuck about anything, but one of the vanilla Demeter cabin kids had complained that they couldn't eat food in the same room as the word sex. Jeffree From the Aphrodite cabin had added glitter around the "sex" part in response. It was hot pink and very very vibrant.

Lynz was fuming. She was trying to take it as a joke but as a very man hating dyke and someone who generally would not fuck RYan Ross (aka a member of 99.9 percent of the population) she found it rather over stimulating and disturbing. Also, disruptive -- she was trying to eat dinner, not eat dick, for fuck's sake.

"Do you want me to get you a plate?" Ronnie, her fellow Ares cabin member asked. Lynz glared. "Yes, you can shove it up your ass." She got up and stomped away, grinding her teeth as Ronnie snickered behind her.

Back at the Ares cabin, Lynz grabbed her suitcase from underneath her bed and opened the secret compartment underneath it. Said compartment contained lots of weed, two pre made molotov cocktails, about seven hundred zippo lighters, and two bags of jolly ranchers. Lynz grabbed one of the molotov cocktails and stuffed it in her (very large) bra. Then she shut her suitcase. She stealth stomped back and watched the dining hall erupt in Greek Fire. That served the motherfuckers right.

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