The woman looked at Scott and I and whispered "thank you." as she smiled relieved.

"Now come, hurry." Scott said as the group of mutants rushed down the hall together.

"Freeze!" Yelled one of the troops with the same fancy gun.

"Go, i'll hold them off." The woman told me as her skin materialized into solid diamonds. They shot their guns at her but the bullets had no effect as they bounced off her rocky skin. "Go!" She screamed extending her arms to shield us. We did as she said and ran for the exit. The leader from earlier stopped us.

"Leaving us so soon Wolverine?" He said calmly looking at Scott. Scott looked at him seemingly unaware as to why he called him that. "You don't remember me do you?" He smirked. Scott stayed silent. "Well after an adamantium bullet through the skull I wouldn't expect you to remember much. If i hadn't provided you with that dog tag you may very well not have remembered your own name."

"Adaman-?" Scott tried to repeat squinting.

"How do you think you received your claws my boy?" He walked to the other side. "For years you've been living with that clueless old woman with no memory of who or what you are, or even your true age for that matter. She loves you so much yet ask her what year you were born and see how little she knows about you."

"I'm seventeen." Scott said gritting his teeth, sure of his response.

"No son, that was your age during the experiment. That metal keeps your body from aging the way it naturally should." He walked to the other side with his hands behind his back.

"How many times have you repeated high school, Scott?" He asked with mocking curiosity.

"Who are you?" Scott asked the older man.

He stepped closer to Scott. "Scott, I am your father, and I am the one who infused that adamantium throughout your entire skeleton. Before that your 'claws' were nothing but bone. It was a rather difficult and painful procedure, but it was a success. And now finally, you have returned home to me, my son, the Wolverine."

Scott stared at him in shock and not knowing whether to believe the unfamiliar man or not. "If you were my father... You wouldn't have treated me as a weapon. You wouldn't have risked my life for your own selfish purposes. And you certainly would not have made me forget most of my life to keep your precious secrets hidden." He said with bitter resentment at his possible father. Scott clenched his fist and his claws extended once again. "Do you think I like being this...animal?"

"You were an animal then and you're an animal now, only difference is I gave you claws. You wanted your revenge and I helped you get it." He said. Scott raised his claws to the man's throat.

"You think you can use the gift I gave you against me? Your only power is to heal." He pressed a button on a hidden control panel in his hand and the machinery attached to Scott shocked the inside of his body and he fell to the ground.

I looked over at him as he winced in pain. I walked in front of Scott and inhaled deeply. The cage doors began to shake violently. I held my arms out to both sides of me and closed my eyes. I swung my arms to the opposite sides and the cage doors flew off the hinges. The bars detached from one another as they pointed towards the man and flew into his body reaching every pressure point. He was pinned to the wall by about twenty steel bars. Scott looked over and thanked me as he was still in pain.

"Hold on." I told him as I held one of the two sharp sticks digging into his skin allowing the machine to penetrate his body. "This might hurt a little." I held my other hand against his chest and pulled out the stick. He squeezed his eyes shut. I did the same with the second one on the opposite side.

He looked up at me as he opened his eyes. "Thanks." He said as the open wounds from the sticks healed. It was obvious the man's words got to him.

"You're not an animal Scott, what you have is a gift."

He snickered "You can return a gift."

"You may not like it but it protects you." He looked at me knowing my words were true.

He looked back over at the presumably dead man. "I know who I am, I was fine without you and i'll still be fine without you." He ripped off his dog tag and threw it at the man. It landed on one of the impaled poles as we exited the building with the crowd of rescued mutants.

AlixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz