Jock! America x Reader

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This is a long motherfucker. Please bear with me.


Your pov

There were things in this world that you just didn't do and dating jocks was one of them. It wasn't that you tried to put them into a horrible stereotype but, then again, stereotypes were based off something. Most of the jocks that went to your school were womanizers. They thought that being athletic and mildly good looking meant that they were entitled to whatever they wanted. You tried to keep your distance from them after dating Gilbert, who broke your heart. He left you for your best friend because she was hotter and she put out. You were perfectly happy to leave the jocks in their own little world and stay close to your other friend, Francis.

"A little birdy told me that the quarterback is thinking about asking you to prom," Francis said quietly in your ear as you walked down the hallway. You rolled your eyes.

"What do I care?" You snorted.

"Alfred F. Jones wants to take you to prom! You should care a lot! It's not everyday that the star quarterback likes girls like you, mon ami(1)," He said.

"I could give a fuck about what he thinks of 'girls like me'. What the hell is that supposed to mean, anyway?" You snapped. Whilst you waited for an answer, you weren't paying attention to where you were going and bumped into someone. You dropped your books and fell backwards, landing on your butt.

"Are you okay, dudette?" Asked a very distinct voice. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, there was Alfred.

"Fine," You said, working on gathering your books up.

"You should really watch where you're going," He laughed.

"Yep," You said, annoyed that he wasn't even trying to help you get your things together. Francis had left the second he realized who it was, giving you a wink and a thumbs up. Sometimes you just wanted to smack the pretty right off him. Alfred watched you as you stood up and went to move around him.

"Actually, dudette, there was something I wanted to ask you," He said, smiling. You popped your hip out and rested your books on it.

"Yeah?" You asked, boredly.

"Would you be so kind as to let the hero escort you to the prom?" He asked, loudly. People in the hall turned to watch the two of you, much to your displeasure.

"No," You stated, bluntly.

"What?" He responded, startled. You guessed that he could count the times he'd been turned down on one hand.

"I said 'no'," You said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Do you even know who I am?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"(Something close to your name) (L/N)," He said.

"Wrong," You said, brushing past him. The look on his face was kinda worth all the people that were going to ask what was wrong with you. You could feel the smirk on your face rising as you walked to class The entire rest of the week was spent with Alfred asking you only to get the same answer he'd gotten first.

~~Next week~~

"What is wrong with you?" Francis snapped. He'd just heard the news of you turning Alfred down multiple times.

"He didn't even know my name, dude. I'm pretty sure that's grounds for saying no," You said, rolling your eyes.

"Ah, I suppose you're right. You do deserve someone who at least knows that much," He agreed. You smiled, glad to have a friend that understood.

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