Japan x Reader

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Hey Kit Kats! I can't believe that I have over 100 reads on these! Thank you so much for reading my stories! It makes me really happy to know that you guys like them and all of the stuff.

Side note: I need requests!!!! Leave them in my inbox if you want to request anything! ^_^


Your pov

You weren't exactly expecting your house to flood after Alfred fixed a leaky pipe for you but, it happened and now you were standing in front of you best friend, Kiku's place. Knocking on the door, you hopped that you weren't going to be too much trouble. He answered quickly and smiled at you.

"Hello, (Y/N)-san, what are you doing here?" he asked. You ginned sheepishly at the small Japanese man.

"I asked Alfred to fix a leaky pipe and now my whole house is flooded, it'll be like, three days before I can get back in there. Can I stay with you?" you asked. He nodded, standing to the side so you could come in.

"Why would you ask, America-san to fix a leaky pipe for you?" he asked looking half way amused by your stupidity. You narrowed you (E/C) eyes at him playfully and shrugged.

"I thought he could handle it and it seems like I made a mistake trusting him," you giggled. Japan's face tinted a tad pink but you didn't think anything of it. "So where should I put my things?"

"You can stay in my room and I'll stay out here, if you would like, (Y/N)-san," he said, taking your bag and walking in the direction of his room.

"Oh, you don't have to give up your room, Kiku," You said, feeling a little bad about kicking him out of his room. Technically, you didn't kick him out, he gave it up but, you still felt bad. He turned and gave you a small smile that melted your heart a bit.

"I don't mind," he said calmly.

"It's too bad that you have personal space issues, we could share the room if you didn't," you said with a shrug, walking into his room ahead of him.

Japan's pov

He stared after (Y/N) wondering if she was kidding or not. She was the only person that could get away with being in his personal space. Her sparkling (E/C) eyes captured him in a strange way. He walked into the room behind (Y/N) to see her sitting on the ground, staring out the window.

"I wouldn't mind sharing the room with you, as long as we don't have to touch," he said, pink tinting his cheeks as he looked anywhere but the (H/C) haired girl. She smiled and nodded.

"Cool, I thought that me being in your room with you would cross some sort of line but, apparently not, I'm glad," she said with a little giggle that Japan loved so much. Whenever (Y/N) was really happy she would start to giggle, it was always soft but, it was so cute. He was happy that he could be the cause of her pretty little giggles. She laid back on the floor, looking up at him with a grin.

"What would you like to do, (Y/N)-san?" He asked. He always feared being too boring for her because he didn't want her to make friends with another country and forget about him. She rolled onto her stomach and shrugged.

"I don't know, I might take a bath later but, for now, I think just hanging around and talking over some tea is just fine, unless you want to do something else," (Y/N) said. Japan shook his head and left the room to go make some tea for the adorable (E/C) eyed girl.

Your pov

You and Kiku were having a nice time chatting and drinking tea. You thought that his quiet personality was a nice change from what you normally had to deal with. Your friends were usually loud and borderline annoying but, Kiku  was different. He enjoyed the things that you did and didn't try to mess with you about things that really didn't need to be brought up again.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)-san, you were staring off into space. Are you bored?" he asked nervously. You shook your head.

"No, I'm not bored, actually, I was just thinking that this was a nice change of pace for me. My other friends are really loud all the time so, it's really nice to come over and hang out with you because you're so quiet," You said. Kiku seemed to relax a bit after that but, you couldn't figure out why.

~~~Time skip~~

No one's pov

"I'm going to take a bath," (Y/N) said. Little did she know that Japan couldn't hear her. As the (H/C) haired girl got undressed, Japan started to wonder where she went. Without thinking the Japanese man walked into the bathroom to take a bath. As he opened the door, (Y/N) stood there, naked, in front of him. Her (H/C) hair falling over her breasts leaving off at her flat (S/T) stomach, he followed her body down to her (Long/Short), thin legs. (Y/N) looked like some kind of cute little anime character the way she was staring at him with wide (E/C) eyes and slightly parted, plump lips. Blood spurted from his nose as her face reddened and he pulled a towel around her nude form. 

"GET OUT!" the girl shrieked. 

"Gomen'nasai(1" he squeaked, clamping a hand over his bleeding nose and backing out of the room quickly. Once he closed the door he leaned his back against it and slid down. He had just seen his best friend, his crush, the most beautiful girl in the world completely naked.

~~Time skip (When bath is over)~~

(Y/N) got herself dressed in her (F/C) pajama top and (2/F/C) shorts and shyly walked out into the living room where Japan, still red in the face, sat, trying to sort himself out. He hadn't stopped blushing since he saw you and he was starting to doubt that he would ever stop.

"Uh, hi," (Y/N) said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say to him. Japan jumped and looked over at her.

"H-Hello, (Y/N)-san," he stuttered, gulping.

"I guess you didn't hear me when I told you was going to take a bath," she said, not making eye contact with him. The black haired man shook his head, quickly.

"No, I-I didn't hear you, gomen'nasai," he muttered.

"It's not a big deal, it could have been worse," she said with a little smile. The (H/C) haired girl found herself gaining confidence as she looked at the flustered Japan across the room. "But, you do know that I would like to make it even right?"

"W-what?" he asked. (Y/N) smirked at him and laughed a bit, walking closer to him.

"Well, now that you've seen me naked, it's only fair if I get to see you the same way, Kiku~" she purred in his ear, sitting down next to him. He turned his head and his lips were just an inch away from yours. His adorable red face getting even redder as he processed what you had just said. He pressed his lips into a tight line and swallowed dryly. (Y/N) noticed him glance down at her lips and she grinned, leaning forward and press hers against them. It was just a little peck, nothing special but, Japan's heartbeat soared.

"(Y-Y/N)- san, w-what was t-that for?" he stuttered, reeling back touching his finger tips to his, slightly tingly, lips. She smiled at him.

"Well, first of all, I love you, second of all I'm buttering you up in the hopes that you'll let me see you naked," (Y/N) giggled. Japan grinned to himself, leaning forward and pecking your lips very shyly.

"I love you too and maybe," he replied. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad for the next few days.


1) Gomen'nasai- I'm sorry

Sorry this took so long to post, my internet went down and we just got it fixed today. I'm back though and that's all that matters!

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