Suicidal! America x Sad! Reader

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MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING! If you don't think you can handle this please, please, please don't read! If you can please go on.


Your pov

It was currently four thirty in the morning and you stood, completely alone, at the edge of a cliff. You had no intentions of jumping but, you looked down upon all the non existent people beneath you who had jumped. Tears blurred your (E/C) eyes as you sobbed. You're the country of (C/N), half of it anyways. Your sister was the bright side of the country, the place where people loved to be and you were the side that had the dreaded Suicide forest and Lonely Man's Leap, where you were currently. All you could ever think about was how many of your people, the people that you adored, had thrown themselves over, hoping that they would somehow find some sort of peace in their death. You prayed that they did.

Just as you were turning to leave, you heard someone rustling in the trees, somewhere in the forest behind you. You went and hid behind a tree, watching, waiting for the person to come through. Eventually, someone did. That someone was America, you knew him well, you two had been friends since forever. What the hell is he doing here? You thought, wiping tears from your eyes. Then you felt it, the same thing you felt every time a person came to die.

He walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, not moving to jump, but not moving away either. He just stood there, staring down. It looked like he was waiting for some kind of answer, some kind of sign. He then looked up at the starry sky and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, (C/N). I know that you can feel all of this and I don't want to hurt you, but I can't do this anymore," He said in his sweet voice. The voice you loved so much. There is no way in hell that you were going to let him do this to himself. No. Not him. Not anyone else. You were here and you'd be damned if you weren't going to stop him.

"Then don't hurt me, America. Don't hurt yourself, please," You said, softly, walking out from behind a tree. He turned his head and looked at you with an almost expressionless face, the only exception were the tears running down his face.

"Mn," He grunted. He was trying to shut you out, trying to ignore the fact that you didn't want him to go and you knew that. You were not going to let him do anything stupid though.

"America, come away from the edge. Whatever's going on, it isn't worth doing something like this, something you can't take back," You said. He stared at you and you extended your hand to him, a pleading look on your face. You wished that you had seen all of this under his smiling, happy-go-lucky mask, wished you could have helped him before he got here.

"I can't anymore," He said. A tear escaped your eye as the wind whipped your (H/L), (H/C) hair around your face.

"You can, I know you can. Come on, don't do this. You have so many people who love you, so many people who would miss you if, if you did this. Come talk to me, please, come talk to me," You said, voice shaking. He looked at you for a long minute, shining in the moonlight. "America, Alfred, please, don't do this to yourself."

"Why shouldn't I?" He said sounding defeated and tired. You could see the dark circles under his eyes that you hadn't noticed before.

"Why shouldn't you? I could give you a million reasons, Alfred, a trillion!" You said. He sat at the edge, looking down.

"Give me one," He whispered. His voice was so broken, so tired. Tears made fresh tracks down your (S/C) face, each tear gleaming in the moonlight.

"This is going to sound selfish but, because I would miss you," You said, sitting down next to him, cautiously.

"Why? What have I ever done for you?" He asked, putting his hands in his lap. You looked at his profile and gave him a sad, soft smile.

"You given me an escape from all the hell going on here. You gave me a reason to do more than sit in my dark house and rock back and forth, feeling all the people die because they felt the way you do now," You said, looking over the edge yourself. You looked over at you but you didn't return his gaze.

"Do you see them?" He asked after a minute of silence. You looked over at him, catching his eyes, his sad, blue eyes.

"What?" You asked.

"Do you see them, the people you couldn't stop. Do you see them at the bottom of this pit?" He asked. You shook your head.

"No and I pray that I never do. I don't have any wish to see the souls of the people trapped down in that wretched hole, begging to get out, begging to leave and find the peace that they were looking for. I like to think that they've found their peace but, to be honest, the only reason I think tht is so I can get some sleep and sometimes it isn't enough," You said. He looked away from you and down in the pit. "Either way, why do you want to die?"

"All I've ever wanted was to be everybody's hero but, I'm not so good at that. My people hate each other because of what they look like or who they love and the other countries hate me because their people leave them to come to me. I never meant to make people hate me, I just wanted to be a sanctuary for those who weren't understood. I didn't think that any of this would happen," He said, sobbing towards the end. You felt for him in a way, seeing as you weren't anyone's favorite either.

"I know and-well-I get it. I'm sorry about your people hating each other, there's not much to do about that, but there are plenty of other countries that like you just fine. They might seem a little... angry sometimes but, take Iggy for example, you two have seen better days in your relationship, he still loves you," You said, softly. You reached over and rested a small hand on his knee, you hoped that it was slightly comforting to him.

"You think?" He sniffed. You smiled, rubbing that knee gently.

"I know," You said with a smile. He looked at you with vulnerable eyes and sighed.

"What about you? What do you think about me, dudette?" He muttered. You pulled your hand off his knee and cupped his face, looking at him with soft, twinkling eyes.

"I think you're amazing, Alfred. I love you and, even if you do get on my nerves all the damn time, you're my best friend, my only friend, and I guess you understand me better than I thought you did. Don't worry so much about what all the countries think of you, focus on the specific ones that make you happy," You said, brushing your thumb across his tanned, slightly chubby cheek tenderly. He leaned his face into your hand and you giggled lightly.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," He said, smiling just a little. You smiled back and leaned your forehead against his.

"Anytime, bro. You know I've got your back and, if you ever need to talk something out, I'm just a phone call away," You whispered, looking him in the eyes attempting to convey the fact that you really did care for him. You wanted him to know that he wasn't alone in the world.

"I love you," He mumbled, blushing lightly. You giggled again and rubbed your noses together.

"I love you too, hero," You said, leaning forward and connecting your lips. You weren't sure how everything was going to work out in the future for him or for you but, in this moment, you knew you were both okay. As okay as one can be at this point anyways.


Hey Kit Kats...

Well, I'm not really sure what to say about that one. I guess I'm listening to some music that has me inspired to write this kind of stuff. I'm sorry if this offended you in any way! If you liked this story please vote, comment, and share. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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