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Shawn Mendes

   "Hey, uh, Shawn." Jack rubs the palms of his hands on his shorts. "Wanna come in? Madison's in the bathroom, she should be out in a sec."

   "No thanks, I'm here because her father asked if I could pick her up, her grandmother just passed and they're leaving town for a few days." I stir up a little lie, as I tap the ground with my foot. "I'll wait out."

   He nods and goes down the hall, leaving the door open. I gently close the door and jog to the back of the house, also with picking the lock on the backyard fence.

   I spot Madi slowly climbing through a small window which looks to be from a room, I instantly drop the pick and run over to help her out. "Grab my hands." I instruct her. She bites her lip, struggling to pull the rest of her body out of the window. I tug with all my strength and we both go flying onto the ground. We stand, wiping off our hands as we make a run back to my car.

breathless by the time we get in my car, I manage to drive away, dazing off while the girl's arguing keep my eyes open but my mind switching into sleep mode.

"you okay?" I ask as I straighten my posture in the drivers seat.

"Yeah, shawn's precious little baby, are you okay?" Cecelia rolls her eyes, plastering a smile onto her face as she types away on her phone screen.

"I guess." Madison sighs sadly, throwing me off to wonder what happened to her while she was with jack. "I'm really sorry, guys, I should've told you about him. Especially you, Shawn. I knew how much you cared, but I neglected you."

"Why did you anyway, huh? Shawn's such a nice guy, it's actually hard to believe he actually likes you. Gosh, I'd rather him date Jordan than you." (Jordan is from my other story unforgettable. I'm slowly trying to tie my stories together if you can't tell.)

I pound my fist into the steering wheel, honking the horn. They both fell silent, allowing me to speak. "C, stop. Please, stop giving Madison and I a hard time."

"Who's Jordan, Shawn?" Madison's lips press together looking as if she were going to cry.

"she's just a friend from way back when I first met Cece. They're best friends." I explain. I begin to have mixed feelings about this conversation, and I could tell she did too while Cecelia was dying of laughter in the passenger seat.

As we are parked on the side of the road, by a parking meter, Madison gets out of the car, taking a sweatshirt of mine as she throw a it on to cover her hair from the rain.

I sympathetically watch her leave from the rear view mirror and sigh. "Cecelia, I really like her. Try to be a little nicer, yeah?" I unlock my door, hurrying to her as trickles of rain fall onto my hair, dripping its way onto my shoulders.

"Hey." I call out. "Where're you going?" I grab her shoulder to stop her from walking any further, but she proceeds forward, ignoring me.

"I'm walking home, that's where." She moves her hair behind her ear, stifling a laugh. "Don't follow me, I'm sure I can get home by myself."

"No, wait." I grab her arm and face her to me. "If you're mad about what Cecelia said, don't be, she's just moody right now."

"Oh yeah, because people always bash on others when they're 'moody', I know she doesn't like me, believe me, I really do, so stop covering for her."

"So that's what you're upset about, that I cover for her? Or is it because I'm giving her my attention?" I stare into her eyes, as she looks down at her shoes. She shrugs her shoulders, but I still couldn't figure out what she meant.

   "You are." I sigh.

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't care but I d-"  I press my lips onto hers, and almost ironically, I think I feel a type of rush course through my veins.

   "I love you Madison Montgomery." I pull her in for a hug, hoping for the same response in return. Nothing. "Madison... You do love me, don't you?" I look down at her, I watch as she trembles in my arms, scared to say those three easy words. "Say you love me."

   "I cant, Shawn." She wipes her eyes with the sleeves of my sweater. "I do, but I can't say it."


   "I can't keep on saying those three empty words if I don't mean it. Sure it's easy to say, but to mean it? It's harder than you think." Water trickles onto us as we speak. Rain replaces our tears, fooling both of us into thinking we were happy with those fake smiles that play on our cold lips.

   "If you can't use your mouth to say it, then use actions." I lock our fingers together. "Do I not make you feel some type of way; like happy or in love. Because you sure as hell make me feel that way."

   "And as a matter of fact- oh- hey, look, a shooting star, hurry, close your eyes and make a wish." It's not often that something cool happens here in Canada, but when there is, I like to use it as an excuse to be with someone.

   "That's silly. It's totally a plane. " she chuckles. I give her the eyes that you couldn't deny and she caves in, throwing her head back.

   "Fine." She closes her eyes, chuckling, "this'll never actually happen, but I'd like to find someone who really cares about me."

   "I'm standing right here, you know." I cough, rubbing my hand on her head to mess up her blondish-brownish hair.

   "I know." She faces me, moving her hands to both my cheeks, "but I don't like my boys innocent." She breathes on my lips.

   "Then let's be bad together."

   We both fall into fits of laughter at our cheesy comments and ease down. "That was stupid." I laugh.

   "Very." She agrees, holding her stomach, failing to calm herself. Her stomach growls, causing both of us to shoot a glance at each other. I smile. She smiles. "Hungry much?"

   "C'mon what kind of question is that? Of course I'm hungry, and you're gonna buy me something, right?" It seems she can't keep that beautiful, toothy smile off her face.

   "Pft- well duh. You up for some subway? It's literally like three steps away." I point to the subway that was literally three steps away.

   "Aye lovebird," I hear Cece yelling at me from across the street from the car window, "you guys coming?"

   "Erm, not right now. Just take my car to my place and ask my mum to bring you home. Easy?"

   She throws her hands up in relief and jumps into the drivers seat. The car engine roars to life and she drives away at 100 miles. She was that desperate to go home..(😂😂 same)

   "Wh- how're we gonna get home genius?" Madison tugs at my collar manically.

   "Taxi, cab, über, bus, walking, I could go on forever. Get with the program,   Sugar." I reply, my voice full of playful sarcasm.

   "Walk? No way, I'm not in any way, shape or form walking home."

   "I could give a piggy back ride." I wiggle my eyebrows convincingly. She shakes her head and pulls the entrance door to subway, open.

   She immediately sits at a table by the foggy window, while I get into line to order. I look over at her to see her doodling on the window with her index finger.

   I order her favourite sub and I add a few things that she hates, just to tick her off. Let me tell you, this sandwich turned out to be a real life abomination.

Hello guys, so here's the second update, as promised in the previous chapter!!

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