More Dares

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"Me next" Fishlegs said " Girls,Truth or dare"

"Dare!" All the girls yelled in unison

"I dare you to let your hair down" Fishlegs said 



"No big deal"

"For the rest of the night" Fishlegs said mysterious.Gasps were heard all around the room.The girls finally untied their braids. Ruffnut's hair was long,curly(After you untie your hair from a braid it's always wavy are curly)and full of knots. Heather hair was up to her belly button and wavy and really,really,really beautiful and did not smell like fish oil. Astrid's hair was a tiny bit shorter than Heather's,curly,really,really,really,really beautiful,also did not smell like fishoil unlike somebody we all know, and of Astrid had a braid going down the side of her head.

"You forgot to untie one of your braids,Astrid" Heather said

"I have never untied that braid and I never will" Astrid said in a very serious tone


"Because I promised someone I never would" Astrid explained

"Who would this someone be?" 

"Hiccup" Astrid said blushing and Hiccup scratching the back of his neck nervously

"WHAT!?!?" Snotlout yelled so loud Viggo could here it

"I knew it!" Heather says with excitement in her tone

"You knew what?" Hiccup asks

"That you to had something special" Heather answers

Astrid and Hiccup were both blushing very madly 

"I only braided her because she braided mine" Hiccup explains

"Yeah it's called revenge" Astrid says smirking

"So that's where those came from" Tuffnut said poking Hiccup's braid

"Guys can we continue this game!" Ruffnut yelled

 I would like to thank XxEllieGladestoneX and @emilymai_sibley for this dare ;)  

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