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The cool breeze of the night air whistles through the window of the dark eerie slytherin common room. Scorpius lies awake. Thinking. Thinking about something that he's known all his life but never properly considered. Something that's making him feel almost guilty, not guilt that he's done something wrong but guilt that he didn't act upon this earlier. It is big decision to make for someone so young with little experience in the world and decisions as big as this. Does he keep it to himself? No. It'll just eat away at him until it he can't take it anymore and he bursts. It must be told in the right way, when he's ready... When he knows for sure what he truly wants.

*crash* Scorpius sits bolt up right. Darkness. He peers round the curtain of his four poster bed to seek out the source of the bang. Darkness. "Lumos" whispers Scorpius and the tip of his wand lights up. Scorpius swivels round, dangling his legs out of the curtains and stands up slowly, making sure the bed doesn't creek as he moves. He doesn't want to wake up the whole dorm. "Albus! Albus, are you awake?" Scorpius whispers, raising his voice slightly so Albus (who's bed is on the other side of the room) can hear him. "Over here, Scorpius, I've got something to show you!" Scorpius is hesitant but stalks over to Albus, his wand still lighting the way. Suddenly, Scorpius feels a heavy material drape over him. He hears Albus giggle in the darkness. "Haha sick, it actually works" exclaims Albus, sounding slightly shocked. "Excuse me, Albus, but what works exactly?" Scorpius sounds unsure as he pulls the cloak from off his head.
"The invisibility cloak. Dad gave it to James but I stole it. Sneaky, huh?" Albus draws himself up, folding his arms, sounding somewhat proud of himself. "Sure but what do you plan on using it for?" Scorpius wonders what Albus could possibly be planning. "Well I've been planning a date," Scorpius' heart skips a beat. "For me and dahlia, it's our 6 month anniversary next week so I'm going to take her down to the grounds after lights out for a midnight picnic." Scorpius feels a rush of emotions: happiness for his friend, worry that he might get caught and... Jealously. Why was he jealous? Albus was his best friend, he's bound to value his best friend over some girl he's only known for 6 months... Right? But something just made Scorpius feel he wasn't as important to Albus anymore, that Albus has found something new to turn his attention to. "I'm happy for you Albus, I really am. But are you sure this is safe?"
"Of course it's safe, Scorpius. No one will be able to see us, remember?" Albus laughs. Scorpius can feel the heat rising in his cheeks. He drops his head to the floor in hope Albus didn't and can't see. "Err, yeah, I guess you're right."
"The sun is rising," both boys look out of the window at the gleaming, golden sunrise on the horizon, "we better get some sleep, we have a potions pop quiz tomorrow, though it's not a pop quiz if they tell us" Scorpius laughs and looks at Albus with warm eyes, Albus smiles as both boys saunter back to bed.

"Nox," whispers Scorpius and the room is once again in darkness.

Feels Like A Fantasy (a scorbus fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora