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Scorpius' eyes peel open to the sight of Albus standing over his bed peering down at him with a huge grin on his face, looking like a cheshire cat. "How can you be this happy so early in the morning?" Scorpius croaks, wiping his eyes to adjust to the daylight beaming through the window. "Pop quiz today, my friend. And I have a good feeling about it" Albus squeaks with excitement. Scorpius hauls himself out of bed, using the little energy he had left. After Albus woke him up the night before he had trouble falling back to sleep, spending what felt like eternity thinking about everything Albus had said to him. "I can't believe I forgot about that, I hope my revision was enough to scrape a pass" whines Scorpius nervously. "Scorp, you're like the smartest person in our class, in basically every subject! You'll ace this." Albus' voice was reassuring and Scorpius felt more at ease. Though recently he had felt somewhat strange around his best friend, as though something had changed between them. Scorpius pushed these feelings aside and bent down over his bed to the large brown, vintage trunk by the foot of his bed. He pulled out his robes, laid them neatly on his bed and shoved Albus away playfully.

The halls of hogwarts were usually quite empty in the morning as the majority of students were down in the great hall getting breakfast before their first lesson. Albus and Scorpius headed into the great hall towards the slytherin table and sat down in their usual spot on the very end. Albus shovelled down 2 pieces of almost burnt toast with butter and strawberry jam before looking up at Scorpius who hadn't touched any food and was just staring blankly at his glass of water. "Scorpius, are you alright?" whispers Albus, as if trying not to wake his friend from a deep sleep. Scorpius' head jolted up and stared wide eyed at Albus. "Yeah I'm fine, I just got caught up revising potions in my head, that's all." Scorpius laughed glumly. He felt guilty about lying to his friend about not only this but the one question that has been on his mind for so long. He didn't know how Albus would react so he decided to keep it to himself until he knew the time was right.
"If you're not going to eat that-" Albus questioned while pointing at Scorpius' untouched slice of toast. "Go ahead, i'm not that hungry" Albus didn't question it and gladly took Scorpius' breakfast without a second thought.

Albus stood up almost immediately after taking his last bite of toast. Scorpius slowly stood up and joined his friend who was quickly exiting the great hall. Luckily the potions class room was only on the floor above so neither had to walk too far as Scorpius had very little energy. Eventually they reached the classroom which was surrounded by an abundance of slytherin students who seemed as eager as Albus to get inside. Before Scorpius could catch his breath after practically running up the staircase, the large, old classroom door opened with a creak. The students gathered outside darted inside and took their usual seats, as did Albus and Scorpius. Already placed in front of them was an A4 piece of parchment, with twenty questions written upon it in jet black ink. Albus immediately took out his quill and lightly dipped it into the ink. He paused for a moment, then began writing vigorously. Scorpius just starred longingly at Albus, his mind couldn't have been further away from a potions quiz than it was in that moment.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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Feels Like A Fantasy (a scorbus fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora