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Autumn's dream

"Oh come on Auty, you can do it! I promise I'll catch you!" He yells from in the water.

I remember this dream from when we were on the airplane.

"I don't know, you know that I'm afraid of heights! I can't do it!" I begin to step back but he yells again. For some reason the words come out of my mouth like a movie, I can't stop what I'm saying. It's like a script.

"Please! You can do it just trust me!" He yells again and swims closer in.

"Fine but if I die I'll come back as a demon and take your soul." I take a step up to the edge and count to three.




I jump. I see the word moving so fast that before I know it, I'm in the water, with someone's hands wrapped around me, pulling me back up.

I break the surface of the water and get greeted by a kiss. My eyes are closed throughout all of this that I don't know who it is, but it feels familiar. I pull back and open my eyes to see a young Damon.

It's Damon.

He laughs and throws me back in the water. I pop back up and laugh too. I see young Damon slime a heart warming smile as the scenery behind him starts to fade away. Soon enough it takes me with it.


"Autumn wake up." My eyes flutter open to a dimly lit room. My head is pounding as I struggle to sit up. Finally, when I get up I look around the room until my eyes land on a certain someone.

"You're the boy. Oh my god. This can't be real." I laugh a nervous laugh and put my head in my hands. He's the boy in my dreams. He's the boy that I loved before everything happened. Wow. It sure is a small world. I giggle at the thought and look up.

"What do you mean by I'm the boy Autumn." The bed dips down beside me indicating someone is sitting there.

"My dreams. I had a dream that I was at this beach but I was standing on a cliff. You were down in the water waiting for me to jump but I wouldn't but I finally managed up the courage to do it, and you caught me." I look over at Damon and catch a little speckled sliding down his cheek. He's crying.

Damon Greyson is crying.

He wipes his cheek and looks back over at me with a smile.

"Yea, I remember that. It was a fun time." He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist. I freeze up but relax into his hold, leaning into him. He leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead, igniting sparks and tingles right where he kissed me.

"Hey Autumn, can I tell you something." I lean back up to look at him, nodding my head.

"We actually dated back then." He laughs nervously while sadness laces through his eye. "But I left before the accident because....something happened between us."

Something happened between us. I mean anything could have happened from just a normal breakup to other things. All this information is messing up my mind. I, Autumn Shore dated a well-known person, Damon Greyson. I want to know what happened, but if you were in my position you would want to too, right?

"What happened?" I mumble out, half wanting to know and half not. Silence is all that was there for about a minute.

"I cheated on you," Damon whispers out, his head hanging down. If my heart could already, it broke into a million pieces. But since it already is, it doesn't surprise me.

"And that's why I broke up with you because I couldn't bring myself to tell you. That's all I thought about that year Autumn, and when news got out that you got into a car accident and lost your memory, I couldn't stand to be there anymore. So I jetted out to New York. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

Holy Shit. If my eyes could get any bigger than they already are, they would have. But this! This is insane! I'm not mad or sad I'm just shocked. The only thing I'm sad about is the accident. I wish that I didn't lose my memories because I would still have all the fun times with my family and Damon stored in my mind.

"Say something Autumn. Aren't you mad at me?" Damon whispers again. He wants me to say something? Ok, I will.

"I'm not mad Damon nor am I said. This happens what 5 years ago? It's fine Damon it's all in the past." I run a hand over his back trying to confront him. I can tell he's been beating himself up for this because when he brought it up, you could easily see the emotions in his eyes.

"Wait you're not mad? Oh, my God. I thought you would leave me again." He laughs quietly and puts me towards him. I gladly accept this movement and embrace him back.

"Autumn?" He whispers in my ear, sending tingles down my spine.

"Mhmm?" My voice is muffled because my face is set in the crook of his neck.

"Your parents, they aren't dead. They are actually here, in England. I couldn't wait any longer to tell you." I push Damon back and look into his eyes to see if he's lying or not. My parents ARE ALIVE.


For 5 years they haven't told me! What kind of parents would fake a death and not tell their child and keep them thinking that they are dead? FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS.

"I don't want to see them," I state firmly and stand up making my way to the bathroom.

Damon's follows behind me, on my heels. If I'm being honest I don't want anything to do with them.

But that's going to change soon enough.


So this is a filler chapter! So I'm sorry it short and not that big of a climax but you know.

I just needed to update because some of my readers know I have started school. I have a lot of homework lately but that isn't an excuse! Wattpad before school!

Anyways I need a book cover for my new book I'm writing! If you are willing to help me them dm me!

But the book won't be out until Halloween so yea!

Love y'all!


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