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Cover made by VeIlichor go check them out! Follow them for sure too!

Hey guys! It's Taylor aka the author. I'm revising the book right now so some of the chapters aren't going to line until I'm done. I do advice to wait until the whole book is revised because 1) It will be better and 2) You kinda get lost in the plot. Anywayssss ima go now!!!

~·»A U T U M N«·~

New York city, the city of dreams; but not only dreams but broken ones too. I look up at my apartment building, the old run down red building that could use a fresh coat of paint.

New York may be the place for all the high and mighty but this place, this place is for me. The broken and poor. After staring at the building for about five minutes I finally pick up my bags and walk up the stairs to the 5th story. My home (not so sweet) home.

I take the key out my purse and unlock the door, pushing it open and setting my bags down on the table.

This place isn't that bad, it looks like a total nut shack from the outside but the inside looks like a comfy little home. I'm just glad this place came furnished because one, I'm too lazy to actually do all that, and two I'm also too poor to afford it anyways.

My luggage from my flight is already in the apartment, excluding the bags I brought with me. Unpacking was my first priority to get done right now since I didn't want to have boxes scattered everywhere. With one more look around the room, I grab my box cutter and begin unpacking.


It takes me a couple of hours before I'm finished unpacking all my stuff. If I do say so myself, I did a good job setting up the rooms though. Good Job Autumn. Well done. My room is probably the 2nd place in the house right behind the kitchen. I mean that kitchen is one of the bests I've ever seen. I love cooking and it pretty much has most of the modern appliances that you can have. Back to my room now, it's pretty awesome too. The walls are a light cream color with one a gray wall as the accent shade. My bed also faces an alcove with a window that spans its length. Plus side is that I'll be able to see the sunset, downside it doesn't have curtains so some creepers will probably watch me as I change and no one is allowed to see my nude unless they pay. I'm kidding...but seriously I need curtains.

My stomach growls at the wanting of food because I haven't eaten today and it's almost 7pm...and I didn't go to the store to buy some. Good Job Autumn. Very very good job.

It's not that late so I'll just go to Walmart and pick some food up along with some curtains. There problem solved. With that I walk out of my room and grab my keys off the table, walking out the door and locking it behind me. It doesn't take a genius to know that if you don't lock your door you'll most likely get robbed over here.


After walking down about a trillion stairs I head to my car and set course to the local Wal-Mart. It only takes about five minutes to get there so I'm thankful I don't have to drive for thirty minutes like I did in my old down. Old. As if it's nothing to me anymore. It isn't...now that I left. And I left for a reason, but that's a story for another day.

I pull into the parking lot and exit my car, locking it behind me than walking into the store. What do I need again...oh yea, food and a curtain. I tend to forget a lot of things... I make my way down the aisle pushing a cart along with me. As I walk, I fill up the cart with things I need like eggs, milk, sugar, cookies, brownies, wait when did brownies and cookies get in there. Guess my inner fat is coming out, but hey, they're cheap. Now all I need is curtains.

When I reach the home style aisle, I decide to pick these blackout curtains because why not. All I need now is to check all this stuff out. I begin to walk down to self-checkout when some imbecile decides not to pay attention and crash into my cart, spilling most of my items on the ground. Oh, that son of a-

"I'm so sorry, I was too engrossed with my phone to notice you." I roll my eyes and get on my knees to begin picking up my fallen products.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Now if you would excuse me," I stand up and brush off my knees then look up to meet the eyes of this idiot. A handsome idiot. That's one..amazing looking person.

"You know what. I forgive you." He cracks a smile and winks at me. What a charming man. Note my sarcasm.

"My name's Jason. Nice to meet you. Although I wish it was under different circumstances." He rubs the back of his neck laughing nervously. I giggle and extend my hand.

"I'm Autumn, and it's fine." I smile a reassuring smile at him and he smiles back. We ended up talking for a bit while we waited in line and turns out he lives on the same floor as me at the apartment and is also a cop. That's...nice I guess.


I flop back onto my bed and take in it's relaxing aura. Feels good to lay down after a long day. Maybe this life will be better than my last. Maybe I can actually start over...again.


Hello loves! I'm back with a new book!
Here is chapter 1 and updates will be either 1 or 2 times a week.

I know this was a short chapter but i needed to get this out there!



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