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"Just shut up already and let me do this." He leans in and closes the gap between us, interlocking our lips.


I didn't know how to react so I froze up but started kissing back. Our lips moving together in sync is something I'd never guess would happen with my boss and I. The kiss started to get heated as he licked the bottom of my lip for entrance. I gasped at that movement which Damon took to his advantage. His tongue explored all the corners of my mouth. Our tongues dance together, trying to gain dominance over each other. Once my lungs felt like they would explode I had to pull back.

Damon rested his forehead on mine looking at me.

"Wow." He murmured. My heart is beating so fast he could probably hear it.

"Wow," I replied back. The kiss was amazing, it felt like fireworks and sparks lighting off between us. I took my head off his and looked over at the digital clock. We've been here fifteen minutes making out. Fifteen-fucking-minutes. WITH MY BOSS.

Oh God, what if he has a girlfriend. Well now I feel guilty, but he wouldn't kiss me if he had a girlfriend right? Right? Wait what if I have a boyfriend? Oh, wait......

"Autumn, I really-" I cut him off before he could finish because been there done that. I hopped off his lap and finished the rest of the sentence for him

"Yea I know 'sorry that was a mistake' blah blah blah." It hurts to know that it's always a mistake. Everything is a mistake for me. First, it was me. Now it's just life and Damon. He kisses me then says it's a mistake. Honestly, if you had a fifteen minute make out session with someone for the second time it's not a mistake.

"Autumn, no that's not what of was going to say at all. Listen before you cut me off next time." A ray of hope lit inside me, and my heart beating fast again. For some reason, my stomach feels like there are butterflies flying around in there. Damon places a hand on my cheek and turns my head to face him.

"I was going to say I really liked the kiss, but we need to get going." He gives me one more smile then turn the car on and gets back on the highway.

"Oh." Is all I'm able to say. I guess I was wrong, but you can't blame me for it.

I turn back towards the window and wait as time passes by.


"Flight 218 to London, England is now boarding. Please make your way towards the plane. Thank you for your time and enjoy your flight." Damon pulls on my arm, signaling that we need to leave to go to the plane. Just one small problem.


"I am not getting on that planes. Nope sorry, I'll just leave. Goodbye." I turn around gripping my carry on, trying to ma's it past the crowded people surrounding the attendant trying to get on the plane. As for me, I'm not. Not anytime soon.

"Autumn we have to go now!" Damon pulls my arm again dragging me towards the boarding area.

"No Damon. I'm highly afraid of getting on this flying hunk of metal that's a death trap. I'm too young to die!" I whine and protest as much as I can but no luck. Damon doesn't budge and continues to pull me. I'm practically crying tears now cause I'm highly afraid of heights. I had to drive to New York because I wouldn't fly at all.

"Autumn stop crying, I'll be right beside you. I promise it Wil be ok." He stops and cups my cheeks in his hands, making me look up into his eyes. He wipes my tear with his thumb and plants a kiss on my forehead.

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