"I get that, but I just feel like I need an explanation on what I did to him and why he doesn't like me. I want my friend to have the two most important people in his life be on mutual grounds."

"You cannot make everyone like you Issaiah."

"I know I can't but it would feel amazing if they did."

"So about your dreams, are they still prominent or have you seen less and less of it."

"Every time I close my eyes it's the same scene popping into my head."

"Do you want to try and describe them to me."

"No, I just want to push them to the back of my head as far as possible."

"Sooner or later Issaiah, we are going to have to talk about this."

"I understand Dr. Morris."The bell rung indicating that our time was up. I stood up grabbing my belongings. We shook hands saying our goodbyes before I left for good.

I drove home in silence trying to focus in this rain. It was pouring down bullets of water. I knew when I got home, I'd need to go ahead and redo my hair for later on tonight.

Pulling up into the driveway I thanked God for an empty space in the garage. Getting out I locked all the doors and put the garage door down before going inside. Our eyes connected but we didn't speak. I felt him watch me as I kissed both of my brothers cheeks. Being friendly, I spoke.

"Hey, boys."

"What's up Sai."

"Hey, Issaiah." The way he said my name made my arms swell in goosebumps. I smiled a little greeting him back.

"Amir."Not trying to bring unwanted attention, I looked at my brothers." Do you guys want me to make something for you?"

"Nachos, hamburgers, and fries."

"Alright."I walked to the kitchen and pulled out the pots and pans that I needed. My therapy session went good and I knew sooner or later I was going to have to let out al that I was suppressing. Maybe Dr. Morris is right, it might do me some good. It might get my questions answered.

Walking over to the refrigerator, I pulled out everything I needed to fix the boys their snack. Amir came in a little later and took a seat on the counter next to me. He just sat there watching me move around the kitchen. My stomach started to tighten from nervousness.

"What's up witcha' why ya' nervous ma?"

"I'm not, can you just stop watching me?"

"Oh, now I can't watch my girlfriend?"Hearing him call me girlfriend was nice but he was too loud. I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. The last thing I needed was my brothers beating his ass and locking me up in the basement for the next thirty years.

"No you can't not when we're surrounded by my family. Remember, overprotective brothers, little sister."

"Can I at least get a kiss before I go back out there?"

"Just one."Without hesitation, he pulled me to him and kissed me tenderly. Our lips intertwined and before long, I was on the counter with him between my legs. His hands roamed up my thighs, sending shivers over my body. "Come on, we have to stop."

"Just a little bit longer, baybeh."He made me so weak calling me baybeh and he knew it.

"Ok, ok. Stop."I pushed him away and jumped down fixing myself and him."Go back out there before they get suspicious."

"Fine, but I'ma get dat ass lata' when we link up."

"We'll see."Amir smacked my ass before he went back in the living room. Focusing back on the food, I started to get their meal started. I knew making the hamburgers wuld take the longest so I went ahead and put them on the grill. Next, I got the bag a fries and put them in a pan then the oven. Lastly I pulled out a bag of defrosted beef and put it on the oven stiring it until it was brown.

Cooking was something I was good at and I appreciated Von taking the time out of her day to teach me. I knew I would make some guy very lucky one day. Not to say that it wouldn't be Amir, just that I ever know what the future holds. If my future happened to be with Amir, even better.

Ten minutes later, I was passing the boys their plates and taking my spot on the love seat next to Amir.

"Thanks Sai, this shit is good."


"So, when are we going to meet this girlfriend of yours, nigga?"Amir looked at me out the corner of his eye.

"Neva', you niggas not 'bout to mess wit ha. Bringin' up old demons and shit."

"I bet her ass already know about you. You hang out with us niggas."

"Let me guess at least."Rodney the one that I liked the least asked, winking at me. He always messed with me. Talking to me inappropriately as if whatever he said would turn me. If anything it made me like him less each time.

"Go 'head, but ya won't getcha answa'."

"Was it that girl I saw you with at the gas station last night?"Oh, so we're letting bitches ride in our cars now? I nodded my head keeping that as a mental note.


"What about Xena, didn't you say she had a crush on you or some shit?"I stood up from the couch to get away from him.

"Benji, where's Von?"

"In her room."

"Thanks."I walked out and went to see her.

"Sai, what's up with you?"

"My friend, he's an ass."

"Who Omega?"

"No the other one."

"Well baby, that's how they are, what did he do?"

"Talking to other females, he's not cheating or anything, he's just trying to keep his friends off of his back."

"Well if you both are trying to hide it, maybe you two should just let everyone know that you're dating."

"No, I'm not about to do that."

"Then you can't be mad at him that he's doing these things."

"I know."I pouted a little hating that I couldn't have my cake and eat it too.

"How's it going with you and the cousin?"


"Your best friend's cousin."

"Oh him, I'm done trying to be his friend. Today was the final straw."

"Lord, what happened now?"

"He called me a bitch. So I threw money in his face letting him know that he wasn't shit."


"No Von, he deserved it. Nobody's going to disrespect me and think that I'm just going to hold my tongue."

"I'm sorry."

"It's whatever, that's how he wants to be then fine. We just won't be friends."

"Your two have to think about Omega."

"He didn't do a thing. He can suffer too."

"Don't cut all ties with him."

"I'm not, but I know when I'm around Omega, Foreign better distance himself. I'm done with him."

Who do you think was in the wrong, Issaiah or Foreign?

Even though they're not public with their relationship, do you feel as if Amir is wrong for talking to other girls and not telling Issaiah?





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