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Annie still remembered when Ms. Catherine has told Kyle her dark history that she doesn't want anyone know 'coz people will think she is RIDICULOUS and they will started to get away from her life. Ms. Catherine thought that she didn't hear their conversations. She needs to do something to make herself happy ever after. So, she can end her life having Matt as her husband.

'She killed her mom with her own hands' One of the word that Ms. Catherine told Kyle that torn her heart. If she can turn back time, she's sure that those tragedy will never happened. But it cause by his own father. She go mad and

She took a bus to Ms. Catherine house to do her job as well. She doesn't want her story to spread to others or become a rumors on internet that can down her and she will kill herself. She wears black sweater and black scarf AS USUAL she use to murder something like what she did before. When she arrived, she open the door own her own and search for Ms. Catherine. But she's not there.

After a hour, Ms. Catherine get in the house.. Just got home from work actually. She walks in to the living room. Suddenly, she see a woman in black sweater sitting on the sofa looking through the window. She puts her handbag on the kitchen table. Then, she walks to that 'woman' to ask her if she needs help or if she's waiting for someone in the wrong.

Before Ms. Catherine hands touched Annie's shoulder, she pull Ms. Catherine hands and get up. Her aunt is totally shocked when she saw it was her niece. Her eyes opens widely as she feel so terrified. Annie push her aunt to the kitchen table and she almost fall 'coz of hitting the chair. She ran to the door to go out and get some help but Annie catch her and pull her back to get in.

Kyle wants to know more about Annie's tragedy back when she's were younger. So, he decided to go to Ms. Catherine to get more information so he will be more carefully when Annie's around. He arrived there and the door ajar. He called the police if they need any help. The door look like someone's get in without any permission. He get in and see Annie holding a knife.

"ANNIE! STOP!" She look at Kyle who's standing in front of the door. She cried herself and put the knife at Ms. Catherine's neck. Just need to slit it. Like what she did to her best friend, Maria.

"This don't solve your problem, Okay? I know it. It must be you.." Kyle couldn't finished his word as he feel very sad for the death that make his day gloomy.

"YOU GOING TO BLAME ME?" She let go Ms. Catherine.

"I don't know what to say anymore. Just stop. You makes things worst. Don't you care about others? I have never wanted for this things to happen"

"Kyle. LISTEN. I REALLY LOVE YOU.. I don't want.. to .. lose you.. I'm tired. And all of.. them really involved in my ..problem! I don't care! I want to tell you something.. FINE! I am the one who killed your mother. I can't see anyone happy.. with their mother. And yes. I killed Sylvia. I SAW IT Kyle! She gave you her NUMBER! You cheat on me!!"

Kyle couldn't believe that she has revealed all the secret that happen in his life. But Maria is just his cousin that was his soulmate. He has to stay away from Annie or he will be the next victim. Kyle shut his mouth and suddenly the police come to save them. The police get in and ask them to stay. Annie stabbed her belly. Then, she fainted and fall on the floor. Willing to die. She's rush to hospital and Kyle and Ms. Catherine has to be investigated by the police to get all of the information about Annie. They told them all about Annie's doing. She should be in jailed and be executed to death as she has killed 3 people in her life. The doctors told them she will be freed after 1 weeks. Then, she will get into the prisons by the police.

Now, Annie feel lonely and sorry for herself that she has killed her MOTHER, friend and ex-boyfriend's mother. She only has two weeks to go before ending her life by death penalty.

Psycho doesn't end here. 

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