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Kyle seems a bit busy nowadays but Annie sure he's lied to her just to cheat on her. She has to find a way to see what he really did and who's that girl. She doesn't want anyone to steal him or the girl will be in the grave same as Sylvia but different way of death. Then, she started to recalled what she saw in Kyle's room. She realized something.

"It could be.. Maria! NO! WHAT IS SHE THINKING? I need to something that will stop them to see each other.

"Think..Think..Think.. Uh! I need to SPY ON THEM"

Annie take a bus to Kyle's office and hide behind a bushy tree. She's confirmed nobody going to see her hide behind it. It's a lunch hour and Kyle's co-worker went out to somewhere else but she didn't see Kyle. After 10 minutes, she heard a similar sound of shoe step.. It may be, Kyle's. He sit alone and scrolling his phone screen. Annie feel relieved and want to go back to her house. Suddenly she heard a woman voice talking to Kyle.

"Hey.. Are you Kyle? Remember me?" Maria greet him with a smile.

"Maria! Long time no see you. How you doing?" Kyle stand up and hugged her tightly. Then he told Maria to sit in front on him.

"Just great. What about you? Career? In a relationship?" Maria teased him and bust a laugh.

"That's cool. Who's not stress when talking about work? Hahaha. Yeah! I found this woman, she's adorable but she don't talk much. I don't know" Maria's face changed a bit sad when Kyle told her that he has another girl.

"Oh.. I see.. Um.. Nice, yeah? Well If I can turn back time. Hahaha I really missed you actually and I feel really good to see you here"

They talked a lot and the way he talked to Maria is totally different when hes with Annie. Like more excited? So, Annie decided to go talked to Kylebut Maria's leaving as she has a lot of work to do. She handed her business card to Kyle.

"Well, I really got to go now.. You know, has a lot of client to meet. Goodbye"

Annie feel really disappointed on him. She really have to avoid them to seeing each other again. It's really torturing her eyes and heart. She decided to meet Maria anywhere else and being a psycho killer just to fill in her free time. She still remember, Maria was the one who being her friend when she was getting bullied by the hot girls in the school. EVERYDAY.

But when they're in High School, Maria started to grouping with the hot girls group that leave Annie behind her back. Since then, Annie has no friend and people start to call her creepy, emo or PSYCHO. Now she is. She need to CHANGE it ALL. Make sure, Kyle is HERS.

After a couple days, she decided to open the camera and what she saw is really disturbing her mind. Kyle is Skyping with Maria that makes her even MAD. She called Kyle for 5 times and he didn't answers. Maybe, it's the right time to ruin Kyle's eyes. Annie log in her Facebook and scroll Maria's timeline to see her address. She go out with her black sweater and favorite scarf.

While Kyle and Maria talking through the webcam, Matt seems like notice something that really disturbing his eyes. There's someone behind her at the window. It look like a man tried to sneaked into her house. He calm Maria's down so she doesn't have to feel very terrified.

"Maria, I know.. This seems weird but there's someone behind you at the window. Do not turn around while I called the police, Okay? Stay here"

Kyle search for his phone and it's turn off 'coz of low battery. He went down to get his other telephone and the wired is being cut by someone or a mouse has bite it. He ran out and use the public phone nearby his house. He dialed the cops and get some help but it took a bit longer to Maria's house. He ran to his room and he extremely shocked when 'THE MAN' is totally behind Maria. She's cried hardly because she can do nothing and too scared. Annie hold Maria's phone and it shows "GOODBYE. 1 MINUTES"


"5..4..3..2..1" She pulled Maria's hair and slit her neck. The blood come out nonstop. Then, she cut Maria's both ears and pull her both eyes and also torn Maria's face slowly. She tortured Maria's face in front of Kyle's eyes like what she has planned. She ended the skype calling and walked out from the house before the cops are coming.

She put all her murdered thingy in the washing machine so no one will suspect anything. She take her bath and watch the television.

"BREAKING NEWS. Just now, a woman killed by an anonymous while Skyping with his friend and no evidence were found in the house. The killer also put the chopper on victim's hand make it looks like she killed herself. Victim's friend, Kyle, has called the police but the anonymous killed the victim before the cops are coming. The police also in process to examine. So, all the citizens be safe for tonight and locked your house before going anywhere"

" I did a great job. Just a couple more days.. We will get married, my honey Kyle"

'I'm quiet as a mouse and brave as a lion. Hahaha'

Annie can sleep calmly today as nothing that make her curious blow her mind. She can get her sweet dreams like before and what she has to do next is PRETEND.

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