CrazyCraft (Chapter 4)

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Ken's POV
It took me a couple of seconds to realize the danger in front of me...

"Creeper!!" A girl Screamed.

I saw the Creeper turning White and then...

I blinked once. Twice. No this is real.
Lord Sky our sensei Slashed through the creepers body.

Making it evaporate in a Black smoke

"Woah kid.. are you ok?"

I stood there still processing what has happened..

"I- Im ok" Was the words came out, before i blacked out.


Crazy... the definition of that is compressed in one Modification made to the Minecraft World.
CrazyCraft !!

Players gets a hard time at first at all the health and Powerful mobs around them. But as they Went Near the end of the game, they will have no Hard time Slaying everything.

Well except for the real bosses!
But let me tell you theres something or two that can One shot the Bosses.

Yes there is a player-made but due to some bugs it has been Disabled. Only the Powerful items can destroy the Cores of the Bosses.

Nothing is known about them. Only that without these. The modification done is Not Fun and safe anymore,

If you think you could fight, die, respawn as easily as that.
The Game had became serious. Only a few have the ability to respawn, and it even came with a price.

CrazyCraft. Is Now a scary Part of Minecraftia That The Society and Even notch is Avoiding. Leading them to have the systems as of today.

One Being specifically The Deep Brine whose name is still Blurry to Relatives. Brought and Allowed all Mutants and Bosses to Spawn even at the brightest Places. No one is Safe?

But to this Brine's Knowledge his power is not limitless. And can only be continued upon Consuming The Creator. Notch

He teleported to the Main Throne of The creator he Swooped and started consuming his Life Force. And Every second he did. The spawn Rate of Monsters is doubled, tripled! Up to 500%

Where it is nearly impossible. No literally impossible. Because everytime one Mutant falls, 100 Spawns in.

No Faith no Hope for anyone at those Moments.
But as you know every evil has its Equal.

The One She call herself. The Night Sentinel. And Also the Mother of a pretty young woman Alma.

She Used her Witch-Acquired Powers to Consume herself into the Body of The Deep Brine. Completely Killing and Stopping the Unstoppable Waves of Monsters. Not only that but Every single monster that is Summoned by that Ritual.. is I can't say killed.

Because they aren't dead. Let me just say Teleported to an Infinite Plane, Similar to the End, BUT BIGGER

Exactly 50 Seconds of DOOM nearly half of the population died and Many bodies were just disintegrated by the disappearance.
Leaving Craters. And the remains of the destruction.

No Happiness can be seen in anybody's faces.
Everything that has happened.

*Shrieks* *Screaming*

What would've happened if the Stupid "Deep one" finished his Rites, I wouldn't be Here Locked and Hidden from the World.

But Alas I must wait for the right Moment. I must not let my anger carry me to my doom.

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