CraftcloPedia (Chapter 3)

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Neko's POV
BAck to reality.. lunch has ended. And im back in the room.. Good thing i cant seem to hear murmuring or any sign of Attention towards me.

"Im back!! " our teacher, Sir Sky popped out the door. Then us students Greeted him in unison.

"So lets start shall we?" He Put down a thick book on his table. Then started chanting on it with his necklace..

Floating! Holographic Books. Floated in front of us.. interactive with our touch.

From the writing on the cover. I quickly Recognized it.
We had this once in the Basement of our Cursed House.

"The CraftcloPedia!! " Alma suddenly sput Out Loud. Her eyes shining from amazement.

"Yes! This Book is no Ordinary Book.
Some of the Pages written in this book was written by ancient Beings. Such as Notch and Herobrine when he was still In touch with the Normal world."

My Cousin.... literally. Family to me.

"Turn to Page I"
Everyone touched the interactive floating Book in front of each one of us.

The first page tells all about Elements, and how they existed.
Then the Zombies, that only spawn at night.
The Enderman. Which was born from Dust of Fallen Monsters of the night.
Even The Guardians that made the Sea temple.

A lot of Things and places are written in here.
A section tells about my cousin.

'I am the sole favor and Creator of the Monsters. I have made them for Humans to have challenge. Made them for Fun..'

These seems to tell that he is not as evil as he seems back then..
But when i flip the page i was shocked and Terrified at what i red.

'When my Creator made me a glitch, everything wrong with the system,, he didnt only made me a monster but also i multiply and corrupted some Humans. Made them in my image. It is all his fault.
He saw something wrong with me. And he didnt even bothered to fix it.. he let me... Rot in the Darkness of the Codes.

The Passage Ended.
The Holographic book disappeared in a swirling yellow smoke.

"Tommorow We will be Reading the Danger Dimension Section of the book. Class Dismissed"
Sir Sky rushed past the room. Like he was onto something important or something.

"Hey you! With the Cat ears. !! You belong to the Monster School!! Its where your kind belongs" there is a school like that! But to think that we hybrids still go to these schools. I am the only one Thats assigned to one class.

"Dont..." Alma says as she saw the Grudge i hold on my face.

"Okay" As soon as i said that word. She dragged me by the hand (Again) to who knows where she'll take me..

Outside the school. She took me through a dark Alley.
"Where are we going? "

"Ehh? Dont you think this is Dangerous. Mobs might spawn here. Its too dark.. "
As we go deeper into the alley. I noticed that it seems to have no end.

Finally we Arrived at a Dimly lighted Open space.

"Welcome!! To my ... Training Grounds!!"

A zombie spawned righ after she declared.
"Oh my gosh! They will spawn here!" The zombies are fine but when it comes to other creatures like mutants.
It serious talk. They control minds. Possess. And Fly.

"Ha dont worry! Ive got Energy Repeller all over the place. No mutants will spawn here. Only the basic ones."

I peeked around and i saw what she said was true.
Over a dozen of green pulsing like- torches can be spotted hanging or just laying around in this open field.

A solid Arrow speared through the solid stone wall. Just right in front my face.

"Woah watch out!" alma grabbed my head down. As another arrow flung on top of my head.

"Thanks god skeletons accuracy is questionable, or else youll be Dead- Shot by now!"

~~After a few Skeleton and Zombie Slain.. Alma and I decided to went on our way~~

"You know that was dangerous keeping a place like that! "

"Do you mean keeping it to myself? ;)"
She stretched out her arms :3
"But Meh! Its the only place i can train. Like they were gonna spawn them monsters at school"

"Actually they do, but its weaker than ordinary ones,"
Alma Yawned with her Elbow on my Shoulder.
"Yeah Can't give a real challenge.. Bye!"

At the corner of my house i waved her goodbye then i started walking straight home. When it started raining....



The Noise that the prisoners of the nether are making...
Makes me remember the days of chaos... when they all kneel in front of me... but alas all Glory come to an End

Adam the Lord Sky.
Defeated and condemned me here curse me to be linked (chained) to my Kingdom (prison)
If it wasnt for his Golden Army.

The things that can easily destroy my Mutants.
I know he keeps His army at Guard. But it is all deactivated. Lifeless hidden somewhere..

*BAM!!* The Gigantic doors broke down. And A rampaging monster came busting in..

Hero remained calm and stiff as he turned around to see whats the fuzz he is hearing.

Two Gigantic Armored Pigman Guards came to Crash and Stop the rampaging beast. But It Swept them away like they were Flies.

The Beast turned in a corner where its Green Eyes met Hero's Gaze.

The monster screamed. As his gigantic Green Zombie Body ran towards Hero like an Angry Gorilla!.

Hero stood still with hand behind his back.

The moment when the Mutant step close to his Area.
It came Crashing down to the Ground!! Until its face is Splatted flat against the solid floor.

Across the Hallway. Herobrine's Eyes is Glowing Furiously Lighting up so bright.

'What brings you here? My creation?'
Herobrine Speaks inside the monsters head. Making it weaker every second.


"Hmmm... well in that case... i have no use of you."
Hero Made fist in front of him. As soon as he opened his fist the monsters Eye Sockets Glowed of bright Light! Its body floating in mid- air
The moment he closed the fist the Monster Crashed down *BOOGSH!*


"Dispose of it! " his once Bright eyes. Returned to its original Glowing form.
He faced away to the Balcony where the view is the Furious and Fiery Atmosphere of the nether.

The Giant Pigmens Came in Then had a hard time lifting the body of the Dead mutant Zombie. But they managed and they threw it in the Sea of Lava.

"Defy me? Nobody can... "
A swirling smoke of purple materialized at the other end of the hallway. Stood a Figure holding A Silver plate.



Very sick. I am very sick. DanTDM had his victory on the Hypixel server beatin our team
Bed wars. He changed his nick in front of meh :3

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