《no. 4》 || ones behind the crime

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When Ooka woke up, she wasn't surprised to see herself tied into grape wines. And, she wasn't  surprised to see an all-too familiar face smiling just several meters away from her.

"How are you doing, Shōhei?"

"Oh, I'm doing well as fuck... Steinbeck," Ōoka replied in a sickeningly sweet English voice, smiling her best businesslike smile. Damn it. She never knew she would be caught again.

"This brings back to several years ago, doesn't it?"

At the mention of that time, the brunette female's eyes sharply narrowed, murderous intent she never bared to anyone close surfacing up her facial expression.

"No need to be so animous — we're 'friends,' aren't we?" Steinbeck said in a casual voice, his words, however, holding sharp daggers within.

"I wouldn't recommend you use my words back on me... Pathetic masquerader," Ōoka snarled, pulling on the restraints. "If I wanted to, I could break your neck."

"Oh, Really?"


Ōoka choked back a yell that threatened to escape from her cords as sharp pain traveled all across her body — as if someone was crushing her body into pieces. She hissed in pain as her arms jerked against the restraints around her wrist.

"...Then please be my guest."

"Damn you...!" The female hissed, her sharp brown orbs glaring harshly at the blonde man in front of her. However, a mocking smile spread across her lips as she decided to risk her nervous system for getting back a blow to Steinbeck.

"Heh, but you know... You didn't just reject the fact that you were pathetic masquerader," she could feel his eyes narrow. "You're actually not denying the fact that you were just putting up an act, aren't ya?"


"Nothing more than a human being willing to do anything for his family even if it means having to work with a boss whom you despise the most. Ah, I forgot. And even willing to dip himself into the pits of hell to save his family... How tearful is that?"

The female could feel Steinbeck's eyes fill itself with insane fury.

"Let me remind myself... Who were they again? From what I remember... I remember Winfield, your younger brother, and even Rosashgrn!" She cackled right after saying that. "Oh, right. That's not the end, isn't it?"

Her smiling turned mocking.

"And then there was your dear Ruthie that you love so much ... Right?"


Right after those names were mentioned, Steinbeck harshly stepped on one of the roots that eventually led to Ōoka's vine, making the said female yell out agony.

"You know, Fitzgerald only said to bring you, he didn't mention what state you should be in, right?"

Ōoka didn't reply.

"Then I might as well teach you who has the upper hand right now," with that, the said Guild member stepped on the root once again, his motion repeating again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

Steinbeck dully stared at the languished form of the female in front of him, taking in her messy hair and bloody hands that were scarred due to her resistance to scream.

"If only you had accepted Dostoyevsky and Fitzgerald's request..." He mumbled, his attention now shifting over to the younger male now waking up. 

"She... Hasn't come back yet?" Chūya reiterated, his voice reflecting undeniable surprise and shock. "But it shouldn't take that long..."

Mori nodded, a slightly more serious look etched across his face as the said Mafia boss placed both of his hand beneath his chin, briefly wondering what reaction would the Mafia executive would take if he told him the news:

"And I've received the news that she was kidnapped along with Q."

Mori watched as Chūya flinched slightly, shocked expression etching across his facial expression.

"But she—" he started, sapphire eyes enlarging as a thought whizzed past his mind. "Don't tell me... John Steinbeck?!"

"Indeed. I've heard from her that her oppression Ability doesn't work on him, correct?"

Chūya grinded his teeth, fists tightening up in response as he nodded in response to his superior's question. "Damn it... I shouldn't have fucking let her go alone...!" He quietly faulted himself, images of the brunette female saying goodbye to him flashing in his head. 

"Now... As much as I understand how much you want to fault yourself, there are certain tasks that I should assign you currently. Saving Ōoka, unfortunately, would have to come after this business is finished," Mori mused, scrutinizing the man in front of him.

"...Understood, boss," the ginger-haired man replied, unfisting his hands.

"Good... Now, it looks like those Guild members have activated Q's Ability as well... And it seems like it's causing quite a ruckus around... Including the places where we conduct our business," the boss of Port Mafia stated, his gaze briefly shifting over to the window behind him that displayed trails of smoke that rose not far away from the main building of Port Mafia. "Your mission, is to Guard those places. Guard it with you life." 

"Understood, boss," Chūya bowed down respectfully, exiting Mori's office shortly after. 

I'm back. Oh my god. I never knew I could come back. Thank you BSD episodes, for regaining my fcking will to write. Chūya is handsome as always. 

But anyways, hello dear everyone who is reading this, I'm back from the dreaded hiatus... Or I would like to believe it that way. Hi cynically-, hi aimar_, hi merciux, and also hi to who tagged me for saying I'm a forgetten...Uh...I guess kouhai...*wink wink* Or something like that! HI EVERYONE! 

Um, yeah, I'm still stuck on writing smut. I'm so bad at writing smut (cries). I've been reading shit load of lemon and such, but yeah, thanks brain, smut skills aren't improving and my grammar is worsening. 

Pressure will have two or more updates soon because it's the scene I've wanted to write for trillion years. One-Shot book and Hypermnesia will follow soon... Pinky promise while promising my wrist! 

I have so many apologies to own for all those who have requested in my book... Because yeah, I take so much time writing a single request. Yeah, kms. 

But anyways, with that being said, I'm going to end this longest author's note without any asterisks. I know it's late, but dear everybody, I hope you had a very merry Christmas! 



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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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