《no. 1》 || the two mafia

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"I'm sincerely sorry, boss."

"Do I have to apolo- Ack! I mean, I'm sorry child-lol- I mean, boss."

Chūya and Ōoka apologized, lightly bowing down (well, even though Ōoka herself was forcefully made to bow down by Chūya).

In front of them sat Ougai Mori, an amused smile etched across his face.

"So you two drank again?" He mused, making both Chūya and Ōoka glare at each other. "Seriously, you are hindering Chūya, Ōoka."

"I feel hurt, Ouri, it's me who became Chūya's partner after Osamu left. Plus, if it wasn't for me, the organization's reputation wouldn't have risen this far. Aren't I correct?" Ōoka said, a smug smile etching across her lips as she looked at Mori with a smirk.

Chūya sighed at the said female's remark and Mori smiled too, a defeated look flashing upon his face as he sighed.

"Can't be denied."

And right before Ōoka was about to make another snarky comment, Elise spoke up, her tone cheery.

"Rintarou, I just remembered it, but isn't that what you call 'spending the night together'?"


Mori smirked upon Elise's remarks, briefly complimenting the younger female's words before turning his attention back to the two Mafia members who were face-palming.

"Can't be denied, too," Mori mused. "You guys did spend the night together."

"...Let's just get on with the business," Ōoka said, sighing.

"Hmm, okay then," the said Mafia boss mused, placing his chin on top of his intertwined fingers.

"I just wanted to assign you guys a mission... Specifically related to the Armed Detective Agency," Mori started, a rather eldritch look flashing across his face upon the mention of the opposing enemy.


"I hired some outer curs in order to make an assail towards the director of the Armed Detective Agency. Ah, of course, I don't expect them to win that man."

"Then?" Ōoka said, casually putting her arms around Chūya while bending her body down, her brown orbs looking up ー almost glaring, at Mori in amusement.

"Hey, get off!" Chūya hissed, irritatingly glaring at the said female ー who just casually ignored his warning.

"I will place some scandium markers on those assassin's so that when the director defeats them, that device would naturally stick to him as he defeats the assassins. Chūya, Ōoka, your role comes in here."

Ōoka and Chūya nodded, listening to the order their boss was going to give them.

"The place where the marker would stay... Would be the Detective Agency's safe house. I want you two to score the first strike by invading in."

"Hey," Ōoka suddenly interrupted, making Mori raise his eyes in a questioning manner. "Don't tell me you are ordering me and Chūya to go and kill those Agency members. I won't. Ah, unless you are talking about the Guild members," Ōoka continued, waving her other free hand around.

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