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George and I are best friends, not to mention twins.

Growing up with two older brothers, I learnt that I liked aeroplanes and toy cars better than Barbie. She was so fake, but that caused a problem when no one wanted to play with me.

"George! George! Can I play aeroplanes with you?" I asked my brother.

"No way! Go play your Barbies like the other girls!" a boy sitting beside George said.

"But I don't like Barbies!" I screamed before stomping away.

I was officially throwing a fit.

I saw a boy on his own playing aeroplane, and he looked very sad. I walked up to him and sat down beside him, taking one of his aeroplanes into my hand. He looked up at this gesture.

"Hey, I'm Kristina but you can call me Kris!" I told him.

"Hi Kris, I'm Reece!" he said, suddenly really happy.

And that's how history was made.

Just joking! 

That's how the beautiful story of Reece, George and my friendship began. Or just Reece with the two of us. Because George and I were officially best friends the second I popped out of mum.

More than 10 years on from that recount, the same few faces are here to greet me. Some new ones have come and gone throughout elementary, middle and high school, but Reece, George and I never broke apart.

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