The First Warrior Of The Dark Forest (short story)

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The first warrior of the dark forest (short story)

Turtlekit growled playfully at the other kit in from of him, Sandkit. The mouse brained she cat had taken his mouse. He narrowed his eyes and charged forwards, knocking Sandkit to the ground and hissed mockingly "Too strong for you?" he laughed in joy as they wrestled.

Oh how he loved those memories. 

Too bad though, he was now a warrior training with his mentor. He lunged forwards at his mentor, Shadepoppy. She easily knocked him away and laughed "You have to do better than that! Remember, Starclan is watching your every move so don't fail them." she meowed sternly and shoved him slightly. "Again." she ordered.

Turtlepaw hissed in anger and tried to ignore his aching body. He had been training like this all day since just after dawn. It was now sundown.

He took a deep breath. I need to do this. he thought to himself.

Before he realised what was happening, his eyes turned from light blue to a dark crimson red. He fur turned from light brown tabby to dark black fur and he could feel the blood roar in his ears as he charged forwards, claws unsheathed. He wrestled Shadepoppy to the ground and pinned her easily. He sliced her throat open and smirked happily as blood poured from the wound, lapping at his paws. Finally.

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