Chapter Thirteen.

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12 Years Ago.............................

That was the summer that Ty knew for sure he was madly in love with Becky, they were fifteen years old and her parents went on a cruise. Becky had been given permission to stay home alone provided she checked in nightly with his parents, this wasn't a problem since she spent almost every day there anyway.

Zeke was Twenty Two and was convinced he was old enough to be on his own, he was planning on moving in the fall. He had turned down the idea of going to college convinced he could make it on his own some other way. He'd been living in the loft above his parents garage while working downtown at a local mechanic shop, he'd saved up enough money to buy himself a rusty motorcycle that barely got him from point A to point B.

It was hot that year and his father finally broke down and purchased an air conditioner. It was mid-summer and halfway through her parents cruise when Becky came over a night for dinner.

His mom was in the kitchen cooking, his dad was at work at Zeke agreed to play poker with Ty and Becky. So, they were seated around the dining room table with M&Ms for poker chips playing and Zeke was cleaning house as usual, the only thing Zeke loved to do was win. He never let anyone win but him.

"I'm out," Ty said tossing down his worthless cards.

"Pansy," Becky said.

"I got a real good hand," Zeke taunted.

"So do I," She replied.

Ty leaned over to glance at Becky's cards, she was lying. Her cards were shit, not even any pairs.

"I'm all in," She said pushing her M&M's to the middle of the table.

Ty couldn't see Zekes cards but he knew his brother well enough to know he wouldn't back down from Becky and he wouldn't go easy on her. Zeke glanced at his cards and then with a heavy sigh tossed them facedown onto the table.

"I'm out," He said.

"Yes!" Becky tossed her cards and happily pulled on the M&M's to her side of the table.

"What the hell?" Ty asked Zeke.

"What? She beat me,"Zeke said with a shrug.

"I was bluffing," Becky said with a shrug.

"Oh yeah?" Zeke asked.


"Could someone help me?" Their mother called from the kitchen.

Becky wasted no time in hopping to her feet and hurrying to the kitchen,Ty couldn't help checking out her long bare legs in her shorts.

"It aint polite to stare at women," Zeke said as he stood.

"Where are you going? Supper is almost ready."

"I gotta take a leak, relax."

Zeke wandered out of the dining room and Ty sat alone, he stared at Zekes cards on the table for a minute before he began picking up the M&M's from the table.

"Ty, could you come carry out plates?" His mother called.

"Yes Mom."

He stood and moved around the table, he glanced briefly at the table and then noticed that from where Zeke was sitting he had a perfect view of Becky's cards in the mirror behind her chair. The bastard had cheated, he knew he cards every hand.

Ty paused next to Zeke's chair, if Zeke knew what Becky had in her hand Ty couldn't help but wonder what Zeke had that was worse. He flipped over the cards before he could think about it to reveal a royal flush.

Zeke's Secret *Animals MC book 3*Where stories live. Discover now